@mastersthesis{eprints27285, month = {Juni}, title = {PENGARUH SERVANT LEADERSHIP KOMPENSASI DAN KOMITMEN ORGANISASI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DINAS KESEHATAN DI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH}, school = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, author = {1521011004 BUDI GUNAWAN}, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/27285/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK Pengaruh Servant Leadership, Kompensasi dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Kesehatan di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Oleh Budi Gunawan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah mengelola pengoperasian seluruh fasilitias kesehatan di wilayah Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, kondisi ini menuntut adanya pengelolaan dan perhatian pengelola Dinas Kesehatan terhadap kinerja pegawainya. Keberhasilan instansi Dinas Kesehatan di Lampung Tengah sangat dipengaruhi oleh kinerja pegawainya. Kinerja pegawai Dinas Kesehatan di Lampung Tengah merupakan aspek untuk mengukur kualitas dan kuantitas individu dalam operasional Dinas Kesehatan di Lampung Tengah. Kinerja karyawan mempengaruhi pencapaian tujuan Dinas Kesehatan di Lampung Tengah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh servant leadership, kompensasi dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja pegawai Dinas Kesehatan Lampung Tengah. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Data yang digunakandalam penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari jawaban 255 pegawai Dinas Kesehatan Lampung Tengah. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini, menunjukkanbahwa secara simultanservant leadership, kompensasi dan komitmen organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja pegawai Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa servant leadership, kompensasi dan komitmen organisasi berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap terhadap kinerja pegawai. Implikasi yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini, ialah pihak Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah disarankan untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pengembangan kepada para karyawan dari seluruh tingkat agar para karyawan dapat bekerja sama di seluruh tingkatan manajemen. Selain itu pihak Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah juga disarankan untuk melakukan penerapan pemberian gaji, tunjangan, insentif dan jaspel yang lebih adil, tepat waktu serta sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup dan masa kerja serta meningkatkan komitmen yang dimiliki oleh organisasi sehingga karyawan merasa nyaman bekerja dan menghabiskan sisa karir di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Kata Kunci: Servant Leadership, Kompensasi, Komitmen Organisasi, Kinerja Pegawai ABSTRACT The Influence of Servant Leadership, Compensation and Organizational Commitment on the Employees Performance of Health Department in Central Lampung Regency By Budi Gunawan The Health Department of Central Lampung Regency manages the operation of all health facilities in the Central Lampung regency, this condition demands the management and attention from health department managers to their employees' performance. The success of the Health Department in Central Lampung is strongly influenced by the performance of its employees. The performance of Health Department employees in Central Lampung is an aspect to measure the quality and quantity of individuals in the operation of the Health Department in Central Lampung. The performance of employees affects the achievement of the goals of the Health Department in Central Lampung. This study aims to determine the effect of servant leadership, compensation and organizational commitment on the performance of employees of Health Department in Central Lampung. This research was analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The data used in this study used primary data obtained from the answers of 255 employees of Health Department in Central Lampung. The result of this study shows that simultaneously leadership, compensation and organizational commitment have a positive effect on the performance of health employees of Central Lampung Regency. The results of this study also indicate that servant leadership, compensation and organizational commitment partially effect the performance of employees. The implication of this research is that the Health Department in Central Lampung Regency is advised to provide training and development to employees of all levels so that employees can work together at all levels of management. In addition, the Health Department in Central Lampung is also advised to implement the application of wages, allowances, incentives and jaspel more just, timely and in accordance with the needs of life and work period and increase the commitment owned by the organization so that employees feel comfortable to work and spend the rest of their career in the Health Department in Central Lampung. Keywords: Servant Leadership, Compensation, Organizational Commitment, Employees Performance } }