title: PEMODELAN ZONA PROSPEK RESERVOAR BERDASARKAN DATA SEISMIK DAN ANALISIS PETROFISIKA UNTUK MENENTUKAN CADANGAN HIDROKARBON AREA OUTSTEP LAPANGAN GEO, CEKUNGAN SUMATERA SELATAN creator: Nico Adrian Prianggoro, 1315051038 subject: Teknologi (General) description: Lapangan GEO telah terbukti mengandung hidrokarbon berupa gas didalam reservoar batuan karbonat Formasi Baturaja. Berdasarkan data recovery factor, produksi gas pada lapangan yang terletak di Cekungan Sumatera Selatan ini telah mencapai angka 80%. Dengan melakukan pemodelan zona prospek reservoar dan analisis petrofisika, dilakukan pencarian prospek reservoar baru dan perhitungan cadangan hidrokarbon pada area outstep Lapangan GEO. Berdasarkan analisis Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators, ditemukan flat spot dan gas chimney pada penampang seismik area outstep lapangan GEO. Indikasi ini kemudian dikembangkan dengan melakukan inversi acoustic impedance sebagai fungsi dari pengolahan data seismik. Melalui inversi, dapat dihasilkan peta sebaran zona porous menggunakan interpretasi gabungan antara peta sebaran acoustic impedance dan densitas. Berdasarkan peta tersebut, dengan cutoff acoustic impedance sebesar 10000m/s*gr/cc dan densitas sebesar 2,4gr/cc, diketahui terdapat area outstep bersifat low acoustic impedance dengan rentang nilai 6492,2m/s*gr/cc – 7772,4m/s*gr/cc serta 1,98gr/cc – 2,34gr/cc untuk densitas. Selanjutnya dilakukan pembuatan peta isopach, serta penyebaran nilai porositas dan saturasi air secara lateral dengan guide peta sebaran densitas dan hasil analisis petrofisika. Berdasarkan nilai properti reservoar pada peta yang didapat, dilakukan perhitungan cadangan hidrokarbon. Dengan input nilai Bgi sebesar 0,0089SCF/cuft, volume bulk 19898,1977acre.ft, porositas rata-rata 0,156543565% dan saturasi air rata-rata 0,382105% didapatkan perkiraan volume cadangan gas pada fokus area outstep sebesar 9,42023537 BSCF. Kata Kunci: Karbonat, area outstep, direct hydrocarbon indicators, inversi acoustic impedance, cutoff, analisis petrofisika. ABSTRACT Geo field already known accumulate the hydrocarbon that identified by gas on carbonate reservoir of Baturaja formation. According to recovery factor data, gas production in South Sumatera basin already increase into 80% of production. By modeling the reservoir prospect zone and analyzing the petrophysical data, the new able reservoir prospect can be identified, also, the hydrocarbon reserve can be calculated in Geo field. Based on a Direct Hydrocarbon Index analysis, the flat spot and gas chimney are visible on seismic section data in outstep area of Geo field.This indication are developed by doing acoustic impedance inversion as a function of seismic data processing. The main output of this inversion is porous zone map as a result of two map interpretation which is acoustic impedance map and density map as an attribute function on this inversion. Based on that map, with cutoff acoustic impedance value 10000 m/s*gr/cc and density cutoff 2,34 gr/cc, identified there is a prospect area in outstep zone indicated by low acoustic impedance with 6492,2m/s*gr/cc – 7772,4m/s*gr/cc value, also, density value range in 1,98gr/cc – 2,34gr/cc. Isopach map, Porosity map and water saturation map are generated by spreading the value on lateral function using guide the density map and petrophysical analysis result. By the value of reservoir property based on the map, hydrocarbon reserve can be calculated. Bgi input value is 0.0089 SCF/cutf, volume bulk value 19898,1977 acre.ft, porosity value 0,156543565% and water saturation average value 0,382105%, gas reserve volume on outstep area predicted about 9,42023537 BSCF. Keyword :Carbonate, outstep area, direct hydrocarbon indicators, acoustic impedance inversion, cutoff, petrophysical analysis publisher: FAKULTAS TEKNIK date: 2017-06-12 type: Skripsi type: NonPeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/27341/1/ABSTRAK.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/27341/15/SKRIPSI%20FULL.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/27341/16/SKRIPSI%20TANPA%20BAB%20PEMBAHASAN.pdf identifier: Nico Adrian Prianggoro, 1315051038 (2017) PEMODELAN ZONA PROSPEK RESERVOAR BERDASARKAN DATA SEISMIK DAN ANALISIS PETROFISIKA UNTUK MENENTUKAN CADANGAN HIDROKARBON AREA OUTSTEP LAPANGAN GEO, CEKUNGAN SUMATERA SELATAN. FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/27341/