creators_name: Emma Hermawati, 1527011007 creators_id: type: thesis datestamp: 2017-07-21 08:39:30 lastmod: 2017-07-21 08:39:30 metadata_visibility: show title: ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY TEST OF DIPHENYLTIN(IV) DIBENZOAT AND TRIPHENYLTIN(IV) BENZOAT COMPOUNDS AGAINST BACTERIA GRAM POSITIVE Bacillus substilis AND BACTERIA GRAM NEGATIVE Pseudomonas Aeruginosa ispublished: pub subjects: Q1 full_text_status: restricted abstract: ABSTRACT By Synthesis of compound tryphenyltin(IV) benzoate and diphenyltin(IV) dibenzoate have been successfully carried out by reacting triphenyltin(IV) hydroxide and diphenyltin(IV) dihydroxide with benzoic acid as its ligand and was supported by characterization result using UV, IR, 1H and 13C NMR and microelemental analyzer. The two compounds obtained are white powder with yield of 90.304 and 89.385%, respectively. The compound of the synthesis then tested its antibacterial activity against bacteria Bacillus substilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The antibacterial test activity of the two compounds with diffusion method of diphenyltin(IV) dibenzoate and trphenyltin(IV) benzoate have the best antibacterial activity at concentrations of 200 ppm and the dilution test results of diphenyltin(IV) dibenzoate has the best antibacterial activity on a volume of 2 mL (26,67 ppm) whereas tryphenyltin(IV) benzoate at a volume of 2.5 mL (33.33 ppm). Keywords : antibakteria, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, diphenyltin(IV) dibenzoate, tryphenyltin(IV) benzoate. ABSTRAK UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI SENYAWA DIFENILTIMAH(IV) DIBENZOAT DAN TRIFENILTIMAH(IV) BENZOAT TERHADAP BAKTERI GRAM POSITIF Bacillus substilis DAN BAKTERI GRAM Sintesis senyawa trifeniltimah(IV) benzoat dan difeniltimah(IV) dibenzoat telah berhasil dilakukan dengan cara mereaksikan senyawa awal trifeniltimah(IV) hidroksida dan difeniltimah(IV) dihidroksida dengan asam benzoat sebagai ligannya dan didukung dengan hasil karakterisasi menggunakan spektrofotometer UV, IR, 1H dan 13C NMR serta microelemental analyzer. Kedua senyawa yang diperoleh berupa serbuk berwarna putih dengan rendemen masing-masing 90,304 dan 89,385%. Senyawa hasil sintesis selanjutnya diuji aktivitas antibakterinya terhadap bakteri Bacillus substilis dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri pada metode difusi didapatkan kedua senyawa difeniltimah(IV) dibenzoat dan trifeniltimah(IV) benzoat memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terbaik pada konsentrasi 200 ppm dan hasil uji dilusi difeniltimah(IV) dibenzoat memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terbaik pada volume 2 mL (26,67 ppm) sedangkan trifeniltimah(IV) benzoat memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terbaik pada volume 2,5 mL (33,33 ppm). Kata kunci : antibakteri, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, difeniltimah(IV) dibenzoat, trifeniltimah(IV) benzoat. date: 2017-07-07 date_type: published institution: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG department: FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM thesis_type: masters citation: Emma Hermawati, 1527011007 (2017) ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY TEST OF DIPHENYLTIN(IV) DIBENZOAT AND TRIPHENYLTIN(IV) BENZOAT COMPOUNDS AGAINST BACTERIA GRAM POSITIVE Bacillus substilis AND BACTERIA GRAM NEGATIVE Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: