%A 1317051016 Cynthia Octaria %T AUDIT IT GOVERNANCE AT UNIVERSITY OF LAMPUNG USING COBIT 5 FRAMEWORK FOC US ON EDM ( EVALUATE, DIRECT, AND MONITOR) DOMAIN %X iv ABSTRACT AUDIT IT GOVERNANCE AT UNIVERSITY OF LAMPUNG USING COBIT 5 FRAMEWORK FOC US ON EDM ( EVALUATE, DIRECT, AND MONITOR) DOMAIN By : Cynthia Octaria The competitiveness of an organization depends on IT governance, because a good IT governance enables organizations to optimize the benefits of implementing IT. The process of IT governance in the university's answer to the needs of the organization will guarantee the certainty of value creation of information technology as well as a ssurance of the return of information technology investments that have been invested. Currently, IT governance and implementation at the University of Lampung has been run fairly well, but there are some disturbing obstacles in its business processes. COBI T 5 is a standard for IT governance processes that can help an organization to manage, develop, and retain its assets. In this study, an information technology governance audit was conducted based on the focal framework of COBIT 5 EDM domains with case stu dies at the University of Lampung. Data collection methods used are data analysis, interviews, and questionnaires. From the audit process, it was found that Lampung University's ability to manage information v technology at EDM (evaluate, direct and monitor) focuses generally on level 4, but the achievement in each process has not been fulfilled yet and has not achieved the expected results by University of Lampung. Keywords: Audit; COBIT; EDM; IT governance; University of Lampung %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2017 %I FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM %L eprints27764