%A 1523045001 ARHAM HABIBI %T PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN NGEBACA PEMAHAMAN TEKS BERAKSARA LAMPUNG SAI NGEGUNAKO STRATEGI TIPE TEAM ASSISTED INDIVIDUALIZATION (TAI) SISWA MAN I WAYKANAN SEMESTER GENAP 2016/2017 %X Penelitian sija bertujuan untuk mendeskripsiko pembelajaran membaca pemahaman teks beraksara Lampung melalui model pembelajaran koopertaif tipe TAI (Team-Assisted-Individualization). Selain sina untuk mendeskripsiko peningkatan hasil pembelajaran ngebaca pemahaman teks beraksara Lampung melalui model pembelajaran koopertaif tipe TAI (Team-Assisted-Individualization). Penelitian sija merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas sai dilaksanako jama siswa kelas X.IIS MAN 1 Way Kanan. Pengumpulan data delom penelitian sija dilakuko ngegunako Metode tes dan observasi. Penelitian sija dilaksanako delom tahapan siklus-siklus tindakan. Semakkung penelitian kughuk delom tahapan siklus, semakkungni dilaksanako perencanaan sai didasarko jak data awal sai berupa permasalahan-permasalahan sai wat. Sehado tindakan perencanaan dilakuko, dilanjutko tindakan siklus I, tindakan siklus II. Hasil penelitian sai diperoleh sehado implementasi tindakan, yaitu siswa dacok lebih aktif dan antusias dalom mengikuti pembelajaran membaca pemahaman. Siswa menujukko sikap, minat, dan semangat sai tinggi. Selain sina, penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI (Team-Assisted-Individualization) dacok ningkatko proses pembelajaran dan kemampuan ngebaca pemahaman siswa kelas X Iis. Hal sina dacok dinah wat peningkatan jumlah siswa yang mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) dan peningkatan nilai rata-rata tes. Jumlah siswa yang mencapai KKM pada pratindakan sebesar 20,00%, siklus I sebesar 60,00 %, dan akhir siklus II sebesar 85,00%, sedangkan nilai rata-rata tes pra tindakan 62,00, siklus I 69,25, dan akhir siklus II 74,50. Kata kunci : Kemampuan, Membaca, Pemahanan, Strategi Team-Assisted-Individualization (TAI), teks beraksara Lampung abstract This study aims to describe learning comprehension text reading Lampung through model cooperative learning type TAI (Team-Assisted-Individualization). Besides that, to describe the improvement of learning result of reading comprehension text of Lampung through TAI (Team-Assisted-Individualization) type cooperative model. This research is a classroom action research conducted on X.IIS MAN 1 Way Kanan Right students. Data collection in this research is done by test and observation method. This research is carried out in the stages of action cycles. Before the research entering the stage of the cycle, first held a plan based on initial data in the form of problems that exist. After the planning action is done, then the cycle I followed, the second cycle action. The results obtained after the implementation of the action, is students become more active and enthusiastic in following learning comprehension reading. Students show high attitudes, interests, and passion. In addition, the use of cooperative learning model type TAI (Team-Assisted-Individualization) can improve the learning process and ability to read understanding of class X IIS students. This is indicated by the increase in the number of students who reach the Minimum Exhaustiveness Criteria and increase the average value of the test. The number of students reaching KKM on Pre action is 20.00%, cycle I is 60,00%, and end of cycle II is 85,00%, mean value of pre action test is 62,00, cycle I 69,25, and End of cycle II 74.50. Keywords: Ability, Reading, understanding, Strategy, Team-Assisted-Individualizatio (TAI), text, of Lampung. %D 2017 %I MAGISTER PENDIDIKAN BAHASA DAN SASTRA DAERAH %L eprints27959