@misc{eprints28216, month = {Agustus}, title = {PERTUMBUHAN FASE BAHAN SUPERKONDUKTOR Bi-2223 DENGAN VARIASI DOPING Pb (BPSCCO-2223) PADA KADAR Ca = 2.10 DAN SUHU SINTERING 855 OC }, author = {1217041042 RENITA MAHARANI FAUZI }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/28216/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK Sintesis bahan superkonduktor BPSCCO-2223 telah dilakukan dengan variasi doping Pb o C. Sintesis dilakukan dengan metode reaksi padatan o C selama 10 jam, dan sintering dilakukan pada suhu 855 C selama 20 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan doping Pb dalam sampel dapat meningkatkan fraksi volume BPSCCO-2223 dan menurunkan impuritas. Berdasarkan analisis pola XRD didapatkan nilai fraksi volume BPSCCO-2223 yang paling tinggi adalah 62.06\% pada doping Pb 0.4. Sedangkan fraksi volume BPSCCO-2223 terendah pada sampel dengan doping Pb 0.0 yaitu 42.14\%. Derajat orientasi pada sampel tanpa doping Pb yaitu 38.51\%, nilai derajat orientasi menurun pada sampel dengan doping Pb 0.1 menjadi 21.81\%, namun kemudian derajat orientasi akan mengalami peningkatan seiring dengan pertambahan doping Pb Kata kunci: variasi doping Pb, fraksi volume, derajat orientasi, impuritas, fase Bi-2223 o ABSTRACT The synthesis of BSCCO-2223 superconducting material with varians of doping Pb o C has been done by solid state reaction method. The varians of doping Pb was used for the research are 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4. Variation was carried out to determine the effect of doping Pb on phase formation superconducting material of BPSCCO-2223 that views based on volume fraction, the degree of orientation and impurities. Calcination was executed for 10 hours at temperature of 800 C and sintering for 20 hours at temperature of 855 o C. Result of research shows the increase of doping Pb in the sample could increase volume fraction of BPSCCO2223 and decrease impurity. Based on the XRD pattern analysis obtained olume fraction value of BPSCCO-2223 that is relatively high is 62.06\% on doping Pb 0.4. The lowest volume fraction is 42.14\% on doping Pb 0.0. The degree of orientation in the sample without doping Pb is 38.51\%, the value of degrees of orientation decreases in the sample with doping Pb 0.1 to 21.81\%. Then the degree of orientation will increase along with the increase of doping Pb Keywords: varians doping Pb, volume fraction, degree of orientation, impurity, Bi-2223 phase.o} }