@misc{eprints28289, month = {Agustus}, title = {PERNGARUH LATAR BELAKANG GURU BUKAN SENI TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR KOGNITIF SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN SENI BUDAYA DI SMP N 2 MARGA TIGA}, author = {1313043049 Wayan Murnita Meilani }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN }, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/28289/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK Masalah pada penelitian ini yaitu guru seni budaya mengajar tidak sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikannya. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latar belakang guru bukan seni terhadap hasil belajar kognitif siswa dalam pembelajaran seni budaya. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 35 siswa kelas dua SMPN 2 Marga Tiga. Pengumpulan data dari observasi, wawancara, angket, dokumentasi dan tes tertulis. Teknik analisis data hipotesis menggunakan uji t dengan persyaratan analisis meliputi uji normalitas dengan uji kolmogorof smirnov. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh dari latar belakang guru bukan seni terhadap hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Kata Kunci : guru, hasil belajar, ranah kognitif ABSTRACT The problem of this research was art and culture teachers were irrelevant to their educational background. This research was conducted to find out the effect of the non art and culture teachers educational background toward the students' cognitive learning outcomes in art and cultural learning. This research used a quantitative approach. The subject of this research was 35 students of second grade students of SMPN 2 Marga Tiga. The data were collected by observation, interview, questionnaire, documentation and written test. Data analysis technique used in this research was t-test with analysis requirements were normality test and Kolmogorof Smirnov test. The result of this research showed that there was an effect of the non art and culture teacher background toward student?s cognitive learning outcomes. Keywords: cognitive domain , learning outcomes, teacher } }