creators_name: Ahmad Wira Satriawan, 1315031009 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2017-10-16 07:17:57 lastmod: 2017-10-16 07:17:57 metadata_visibility: show title: ANALISA PERFORMANSI METODE VECTORIZED ALGORITHM PADA ALIRAN DAYA BERBASIS INJEKSI DAYA DAN INJEKSI ARUS ispublished: submitted subjects: TK full_text_status: restricted abstract: Tugas akhir ini mengajukan penelitian terhadap performansi dari beberapa metode analisa aliran daya. Analisa aliran daya dilakukan menggunakan metode vectorized algorithm (format polar dan rektangular) berbasis injeksi daya dan injeksi arus. Metode iterasi perhitungan aliran daya yang digunakan adalah metode Newton-Raphson. Performansi metode analisa aliran daya akan dilihat berdasarkan kecepatan komputasi, jumlah iterasi, dan nilai tegangan hasil perhitungan. Dengan demikian, dapat ditentukan metode yang efektiv dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan studi kasus aliran daya pada sistem tenaga listrik. Simulasi perhitungan dilakukan menggunakan metode ini pada beberapa kasus, yaitu IEEE 14 Bus, 30 bus, 57 bus, 118 bus, dan IEEE 300 Bus System Case serta Penyulang Kangkung 191 Bus, Gardu Induk Menggala Mesuji, Lampung. Perbandingan performansi antara metode vectorized algorithm pada aliran daya adalah hasil dari tugas akhir ini. Kata Kunci: aliran daya, vectorized algorithm, Newton-Raphson, format polar, format rektangular, injeksi daya, injeksi arus date: 2017-09-12 date_type: submitted publisher: Fakultas Teknik place_of_pub: Universitas Lampung referencetext: [1] X.-F. Wang, Y. Song dan M. Irving, Modern Power System Analysis, New York: Springer Science-Business Media, LLC, 2008. [2] C. E. H. W. F. Tinney, “Power Flow Solution by Newton's Method,” IEEE Transaction on POwer Systems, vol.PAS-86, No. 11, pp. 1449-1460, November 1967. [3] Q. Z. W. H. Yang Yude, “Power Flow Calculation Based on Non-linear Programming Model and Vectorization Mode,” International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, pp. 1729-1733, 2007. [4] N. M. J. L. R. P. Vander Menengoy da Costa, “Developments in the Newton Raphson Power Flow Formulation Based on Current Injections,” vol. 14, 1998. [5] R. Christie, “Power System Test Archive,” August 1993. [Online]. Available: [Diakses Mei 2017]. [6] L. h. T. H. H. G. N. S. Muhammad Wahidi, “Development of a Power Flow Software for Distribution System Analysis Based on Rectangular Voltage Using Pyhton Software Package,” International Conference on Information Technology adn Electrical Engineering, 2014. [7] A. R. Vander M Da Costa, “A Comparative Analysis of Different Power Flow Methodologies,” Proc. of 2008 IEEE/PES, Trans. and Dist. Conference and Exposition : Latin America, pp. 1090-1096, 13-15 Agustus 2008. [8] N. V.H.Quintana, “Studies Of Load Flow Methods in Polar and Rectangular Coordinates,” Electric Power System Research, pp. 225-235, 1991. [9] H. Saadat, Power System Analysis, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. [10] F. Milano, Power System Modelling and Scripting, London: Springer- Verlag, 2010. [11] F. L. Alvarado, “Solving Power Flow Problems with a Matlab Implementation of the Power System Applications Data Dictionary,” 1999. [12] X. W. W. F. L. C. S. N. C. H. a. J. W. Jun Liu, “A Novel Load Flow Model for Distribution Systems Based On Current Injections,” 2016. [13] E. O. P. P. e. a. E Jones, “SciPy: Open Source Scientific Tools for Phyton,” 2001. [Online]. Available: [Diakses 15 04 2017]. [14] S. C. G. V. S. Van der Walt, “The NumPy Array: A Structure for Efficeint Numerical Computation,” Computing in Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 22-30, March 2011. [15] “Electric Power System Analysis & Natured-Inspired Optimization Algorithm,” 23 March 2015. [Online]. Available: [Diakses Mei 2017]. citation: Ahmad Wira Satriawan, 1315031009 (2017) ANALISA PERFORMANSI METODE VECTORIZED ALGORITHM PADA ALIRAN DAYA BERBASIS INJEKSI DAYA DAN INJEKSI ARUS. Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung. (Submitted) document_url: document_url: document_url: