%A 1214071006 AHMAD RIFKI MAULANA %T APLIKASI IRIGASI BERSELANG (INTERMITTENT IRRIGATION) PADA BUDIDAYA TANAMAN PAK CHOI (Brassica rapa L.) DENGAN MEDIA TANAM CAMPURAN PADATAN DIGESTAT DAN TANAH %X Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas pemberian air irigasi berselang (intermittent irrigation), analisis water productivity, analisis interval irigasi yang optimum pada bahan media tanam campuran padatan digestat dan tanah, analisis kombinasi padatan digestat dan tanah yang optimum bagi tanaman, serta analisis pertumbuhan dan hasil produksi tanaman Pak Choi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di dalam Greenhouse Jurusan Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung, pada bulan November 2016 sampai dengan bulan Desember 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua faktor perlakuan yaitu Komposisi Media Tanam dan Interval Waktu Pemberian Irigasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 perlakuan campuran komposisi media tanam, yaitu D0 (Digestat 0% : Tanah 100%), D1 (Digestat 20% : Tanah 80%), D2 (Digestat 40% :Tanah 60%), dan D3 (Digestat 60% : Tanah 40%). Masing-masing campuran media dilakukan 3 pengulangan, sehingga didapat 12 pot yang diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan kombinasi media tanam D1 (Digestat 20% : Tanah 80%) menghasilkan berangkasan atas Pak Choi cukup tinggi dengan rata-rata sebesar 122.7 gram/tanaman, sedangkan untuk hasil perlakuan D0, D2 dan D3 terjadi perbedaan yang tidak terlalu signifikan. Pemberian air irigasi dengan Intermittent Irrigation tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil produksi tanaman Pak Choi. Interval pemberian air yang lebih panjang tetap memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap hasil produksi tanaman Pak Choi diakibatkan adanya penambahan padatan digestat pada media tanam. Produktivitas penggunaan air tertinggi dicapai oleh perlakuan D1 dengan rata-rata sebesar 774 g/m3. Kata Kunci : Digestat, Irigasi Berselang, Intermittent Irrigation, Media Tanam, dan Pak Choi. ABSTRACT The aim of this research are to know the effectiveness of intermittent irrigation and water productivity analysis, analysis of optimum irrigation interval on plant material that made of mixing solid digestate and soil, analysis of optimum combination of digestat solid and soil for plant, growth and yield analysis of Pak Choi. The research was conducted in a Greenhouse at Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, in November 2016 until December 2016. This research uses two factors of treatment, namely Composition of Planting Media and Interval of Irrigation Time. This research used 4 mixed treatment of plant media composition, that is D0 (Digestat 0%: Soil 100%), D1 (Digestat 20%: Soil 80%), D2 (Digestat 40%: Soil 60%), and D3 (Digestat 60% : Soil 40%). Each mixture of media was done in 3 repetitions, so that 12 pots were observed. The results showed that the combination of planting medium D1 (Digestat 20%: 80% soil) resulted in a high enough on Pak Choi of 122.7 grams/plants, while for treatment result D0, D2 and D3 there was a less significant difference. The provision of irrigation water with intermittent irrigation does not significantly affect the growth and yield of Pak Choi plant. Longer water delivery intervals still provide a good effect on the results of Pak Choi plant production due to the addition of solid digestat on the planting medium. The highest water use productivity was achieved by treatment D1 with an average of 774 g /m3. Keywords : Digestat, Intermittent Irrigation, Media Planting, and Pak Choi. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2017 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %L eprints28809