%0 Generic %A FENTRI HARIYANTI, 1317011024 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2017 %F eprints:28832 %I FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM %T SINTESIS HIBRIDA ALGA-SILIKA DARI BIOMASSA Porphyridium sp DENGAN TEKNIK PELAPISAN PARTIKEL MAGNETIT (Fe3O4) DAN UJI ADSORPSI TERHADAP METILEN BIRU DALAM LARUTAN %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/28832/ %X Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan sintesis alga silka (HAS) Porphyridium sp. dan alga silika magnetit (HAS-M) dengan bahan utama tetraetilortosilikat (TEOS) sebagai matriks. Material hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer inframerah (IR) untuk mengidentifikasi gugus fungsional, X-ray diffraction (XRD) untuk mengetahui tingkat kekristalan, dan spektrofotometer SEM-EDX untuk mengetahui morfologi permukaan. Uji adsorpsi yang dilakukan meliputi variasi pH, waktu kontak, dan variasi konsentrasi metilen biru. pH optimum interaksi HAS dan HAS-M dengan larutan metilen biru masing-masing diperoleh pada pH 4 sampai 8 sedangkan waktu kontak optimum diperoleh masing-masing pada waktu 60 dan 90 menit. Data kinetika adsorpsi metilen biru pada HAS dan HAS-M cenderung mengikuti model kinetika pseudo orde dua dengan koefesien korelasi (R2) masing-masing sebesar 0,970 dan 0,979. Isoterm adsorpsi metilen biru pada HAS dan HAS-M cenderung mengikuti model isoterm Freundlich dengan koefisien korelasi (R2) 0,901 dan 0,989 yang termasuk dalam jenis adsorpsi secara fisika. Kata kunci : Porphyridium sp, pelapisan magnetit, adsorben, metilen biru. ABSTRACT In this research, it has been conducted the synthesis of silica algae hybrid (HAS) Porphyridium sp. and magnetic silica algae hybrid (HAS-M) with the main material of tetraethylortosilicate (TEOS) as a matrix. The result of material synthesis was characterized by using infrared spectrophotometer (IR) to identify the functional groups, the X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine the crystallinity level, and the SEM-EDX spectrophotometer to determine the surface morphology. The adsorption test was conducted consisting of the pH variation, contact time, and variation of methylene blue concentration. The optimum pH of HAS and HAS-M interaction with methylene blue solution were each obtained at pH 4 to 8 while the optimum contact time was obtained at 60 and 90 min respectively. The kinetics data of methylene blue adsorption on HAS and HAS-M tend to follow the pseudo second order kinetic model with the correlation coefficient (R2) are 0.970 and 0.979 respectively. The adsorption isotherm of methylene blue on HAS and HAS-M tend to follow Freundlich's isotherm model with the correlation coefficient (R2) are 0.901 and 0.989 that was included in the type of physical adsorptions. Keywords: Porphyridium sp., magnetite coating, adsorbent, methylene blue.