%A 1420011012 WAHYU WIBOWO %T APLIKASI ANALYTIC NETWORK PROCESS (ANP) DI DALAM STRATEGI IMPLEMENTASI DIMENSI LINGKUNGAN DARI COMMON CODE FOR THE COFFEE COMMUNITY (4C) DI PROVINSI LAMPUNG %X Kopi merupakan komoditas penting di dunia dan kopi berkelanjutan diperdagangkan sejak tahun 1967. Produksi kopi dunia saat ini 8,6 juta ton dengan konsumsi 9 juta ton, sehingga korporasi industri kopi memberikan harga premium untuk sustainable coffee sebesar USD 175 juta per tahun. Salah satu standar kopi keberlanjutan terkemuka adalah Common Code for the Coffee Community (4C) berdasarkan potensi pasokan yang tertinggi di dunia. Sebagai standar tingkat dasar, 4C memudahkan petani kecil dalam implementasi standar keberlanjutan. Total pasokan kopi 4C dunia sekitar 2,8 juta ton dan sumbangan kopi 4C Provinsi Lampung hanya 63 ribu ton. Standar 4C yang diadopsi sejak 2008 di Provinsi Lampung, menunjukkan dimensi ekonomi dan dimensi sosial dengan kinerja yang tinggi; dan dimensi lingkungan berkinerja rendah. Untuk itu, aplikasi pemodelan Analytic Network Process (ANP) dipergunakan untuk menyusun strategi implementasi Dimensi Lingkungan 4C di Provinsi Lampung. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Kategori Dimensi Lingkungan Unit 4C terverifikasi di Provinsi Lampung yang berkinerja kurang baik, menetapkan indikator prioritas dan strategi implementasi Dimensi Lingkungan 4C di Provinsi Lampung. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini adalah petani kopi belum memahami implementasi standar keberlanjutan dan tidak mengetahui skala prioritas dari Dimensi Lingkungan 4C. Penelitian ini dimulai pada Maret sampai Juni 2016. Metode penelitian adalah analisis kualitatif dengan pemodelan aplikasi ANP, mempergunakan data sekunder lima Unit 4C terverifikasi di Kabupaten Lampung Barat dan Kabupaten Tanggamus, Provinsi Lampung; data primer dari responden terpilih, serta hasil FGD. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah tingkat kinerja Kategori Dimensi Lingkungan 4C kurang baik. Penelitian menghasilkan lima prioritas, yaitu: ?Konservasi keanekaragaman hayati?, ?Kesuburan tanah dan manajemen nutrisi?, ?Limbah?, ?Konservasi tanah?, serta ?Penggunaan dan penanganan bahan kimia?. Strategi implementasi Dimensi Lingkungan 4C di Provinsi Lampung yang dapat diterapkan oleh 4C Association adalah melakukan pelatihan spesifik ?Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati?, sistem keterlacakan, aturan harga premium, serta melakukan un-announcement visit Unit 4C. Selain itu, industri dan eksportir harus berkomitmen dengan petani kopi, penguatan social capital kelompok tani, serta investasi untuk program keberlanjutan. Pemerintah perlu meningkatkan peran dalam tata kelola Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKm) dan penegakan hukum, pemberdayaan penyuluh pertanian lapangan (PPL), serta regulasi pupuk dan pestisida; adapun petani dapat melakukan penguatan kelembagaan, meningkatkan kemampuan budidaya tanaman kopi yang baik dan berkelanjutan, serta pengelolaan kebun dengan memperhatikan aspek kualitas lingkungan. Saran penelitian adalah kinerja Unit 4C terverifikasi harus disampaikan oleh Entitas Pengelola ke petani kopi untuk perbaikan kategori berkinerja kurang baik, pemenuhan syarat standar keberlanjutan melalui pendekatan komprehensif collective action, serta strategi implementasi tersebut di atas harus dibuat kerangka kerja oleh Unit 4C untuk dapat dinilai efektivitas dan kinerjanya berdasarkan waktu. __________ Kata kunci: kopi, Provinsi Lampung, Dimensi Lingkungan 4C, Analytic Network Process (ANP) ABSTRACT Coffee is an important commodity in the world and sustainable coffee is traded in 1967. World coffee production is currently 8.6 million tons with consumption of 9 million tons, therefore the coffee industry corporation providing premium price for a sustainable coffee of USD 175 million per year. One of the leading sustainability standards of coffee is Common Code for the Coffee Community (4C) with the highest potential supply in the world. The 4C as a baseline standard that enables smallholders in the implementation of sustainability standards. Total supply of 4C coffee at the global level is about 2.8 million tons and contribution of 4C coffee from Lampung Province is only 63 thousand tons. The 4C was adopted since 2008 in Lampung Province, shows high-performance of economic and social dimensions; and low-performance of environmental dimensions. Therefore, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) modeling application is used to develop implementation strategy of 4C Environmental Dimension in Lampung Province. The purpose of this research is to know in which Category of 4C Environmental Dimensions from verified 4C Unit in Lampung Province with lowperformance, provide a priority and implementation strategy of 4C Environmental Dimension in Lampung Province. The hypothesis of this research is that coffee farmers still have not understood how to implement the sustainability standards and are not aware of the priority scale of the 4C Environmental Dimension. This research was started from March to June 2016. The research method is qualitative analysis with ANP application modeling, using secondary data of five verified 4C Unit in West Lampung District and Tanggamus District, Lampung Province; primary data from selected respondents, and FGD results. The conclusion of this research is that the performance level of the 4C Environmental Dimension Category is not very good. This research resulted five priorities, i.e.: "Biodiversity conservation", "Soil fertility and nutrient management", "Waste", "Soil Conservation", and "Use and handling of chemicals". The implementation strategy of 4C Environmental Dimension in Lampung Province that applicable to the 4C Association is to conduct specific training of "Biodiversity conservation", traceability system, premium pricing regulation, and un-announcement visit to 4C Unit. Industries and exporters can commit to coffee farmers, strengthening of farmers' social capital, and investing in sustainability programs. Government can enhance role of forest community governance and law enforcement, empowerment of agricultural extension, and regulation of fertilizer and pesticide; while farmers can strengthen their institutions, improve capability on good agriculture practices, and farm management with regard to environmental aspects. Recommendation that can be given is that the performance of verified 4C Unit should be communicated by Managing Entity to coffee farmers for the improvement of categories with low-performance, fulfillment of sustainability standard requirements through a comprehensive collective action approach, and implementation mentioned above must be created by 4C Unit into a framework that would enable a rating of its effectiveness and performance against time. __________ Keywords: coffee, Lampung Province, 4C Environmental Dimension, Analytic Network Process (ANP) %D 2017 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints28869