@misc{eprints29196, month = {Nopember}, title = {OPTIMASI ADSORPSI SENYAWA PHENANTHRENE MENGGUNAKAN NANOSILIKA DARI SEKAM PADI YANG DIFUNGSIONALISASIKAN MENGGUNAKAN DIPHENYLAMINE }, author = {1317011010 Christian Paul Partogi Sidabalok}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG }, publisher = {FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/29196/}, abstract = {Phenanthrene merupakan salah satu senyawa PAH yang termasuk dalam senyawa polutan lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan uji adsorpsi phenanthrene menggunakan adsorben nanosilika yang diekstraksi dari sekam padi dan difungsionalisasikan dengan diphenylamine (DPA). Adsorben Si-DPA dikarakterisasi dengan SEM-EDX untuk mengetahui morfologi permukaan, komposisi unsur penyusun dari nanosilika dan adsorben tersebut serta FTIR untuk mengetahui gugus fungsi dari keduanya. Uji adsordpsi pada Si-DPA dilakukan menggunakan metode Batch untuk menentukan massa optimum adsorben, pH optimum, waktu optimum, dan variasi konsentrasi larutan standar phenanthrene optimum. Massa opt imum adsorben yang diperoleh yait u sebesar 4 mg, pH opt imum pada pH 3, wakt u kontak optimum se la ma 90 me nit, da n variasi konsentrasi larutan standar phenanthrene optimum sebesar 15,88 ppm. Data kinet ika adsorps i phenanthrene pada Si- DPA cender ung me ngikuti mode l kinet ika adsorps i pse udo orde dua dengan nila i koefis ie n kore las i ( R 2 ) sebesar 0,938 dan isoter m adsorps i phenanthrene pada Si- DPA cenderung mengikuti pola isoter m Fre undlic h dengan nila i koe fis ie n kore las i (R 2 ) sebesar 0,845 Kata kunci: Nanosilika, sekam padi, PAH adsorben, Si-DPA, adsorpsi, phenanthrene. abstract Phenanthrene is one of PAHs compound which can be classified as environmental pollutant compounds. In this research, phenanthrene?s adsorption test had been done by using nanosilica as an adsorbent which was extracted from rice husk and functionalized with diphenylamine (DPA). Si-DPA adsorbent was characterized by using SEM-EDX to determine the surface morphology, composition of the elements from nanosilica and adsorbent and also FTIR characterization to determine the functional group from both of them. Adsorption test was done using Batch?s method to determine the optimum mass of adsorbent, optimum pH, optimum contact time, and optimum phenanthrene?s standard solution concentration variation. It was achieved that the optimum mass of adsorbent was 4 mg, optimum pH was pH 3, opt imum contact t ime was 90 minutes, a nd opt imum phenanthrene standard solution concentration variation was 15,88 ppm. The data of adsorption kinet ics of phenanthre ne on Si- DPA te nded to follow t he pseudo second order adsorpt ion kinet ics with t he value of corre lat ion coeffic ie nt ( R 2 ) was 0,938 and phe na nt hre ne?s adsorption isot her m on Si- DPA tended to follow Fre undlic h?s isother m wit h t he value of corre lat ion coeffic ient (R 2 ) was 0,845. Keywords : Nanosilica, rice husk, PAHs, adsorbent, Si-DPA, adsorption, phenanthrene. } }