%0 Generic %A POPPY MEUTIA ZARI_, 1115041037 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2017 %F eprints:29265 %I FAKULTAS TEKNIK %T PRARANCANGAN PABRIK MAGNESIUM SULFAT DARI MAGNESIUM KARBONAT DAN ASAM SULFAT KAPASITAS 35.000 TON/TAHUN (Perancangan Reaktor 201(RE-201)) %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/29265/ %X Magnesium sulfat berupa padatan kristal berwarna putih yang banyak digunakan di berbagai bidang, seperti industri kertas, industri kimia, industri farmasi, industri pupuk, industri tekstil, industri plastik, industri karet, peternakan, proses bleaching pada selulosa, proses pembuatan sirup fruktosa dan lain sebagainya. Magnesium sulfat dapat diproduksi dengan beberapa proses reaksi yaitu 1) Reaksi antara Magnesium Karbonat dengan Asam Sulfat, 2) Reaksi antara Magnesium Hidroksida dengan Gas Sulfur Dioksida, dan 3) Reaksi antara Magnesium Hidroksida dengan Kalsium Sulfat. Penyediaan kebutuhan utilitas pabrik berupa sistem pengolahan dan penyediaan air, sistem penyediaan steam, cooling water, dan sistem pembangkit tenaga listrik. Kapasitas produksi pabrik magnesium sulfat direncanakan 35.000 ton/tahun dengan 330 hari kerja dalam 1 tahun. Lokasi pabrik direncanakan didirikan di daerah Cilegon, Banten. Tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan sebanyak 188 orang dengan bentuk badan usaha Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dengan struktur organisasi line and staff. Dari analisisekonomidiperoleh: Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) = Rp 492.045.025.242 Working Capital Investment (WCI) = Rp 86.831.475.043 Total Capital Investment (TCI) = Rp 578.876.500.285 Break Even Point (BEP) = 47,63% Shut Down Point (SDP) = 21,07% Pay Out Time before taxes (POT)b = 3,16 years Pay Out Time after taxes (POT)a = 3,65 years Return on Investment before taxes (ROI)b = 27,91% Return on Investment after taxes (ROI)a = 22,33% Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) = 17,05% Berdasarkan beberapa paparan di atas, maka pendirian pabrik magnesium sulfat ini layak untuk dikaji lebih lanjut, karena merupakan pabrik yang menguntungkan dari sisi ekonomi dan mempunyai prospek yang relatif cukup baik. ABSTARCT Magnesium sulphate is a white crystalline solid which is widely used in various fields such as paper industry, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, fertilizer industry, textile industry, plastic industry, rubber industry, animal husbandry, bleaching process on cellulose, manufacture of fructose syrup and others . Magnesium sulphate can be produced by several reaction processes 1) Reaction between Magnesium Carbonate and Sulfuric Acid, 2) Reaction between Magnesium Hydroxide and Sulfur Dioxide Gas, and 3) Reaction between Magnesium Hydroxide and Calcium Sulphate. The provision of utility plant necessary consists of water treatment and supply systems, steam supply systems, cooling water, and power generation systems. The production capacity of magnesium sulphate plant is planned to be 35.000 tons/year with 330 working days in 1 year. The location of plant is planned in Cilegon, Banten. The required workforce is 188 people with the form of Limited Liability Company (PT) with line and staff organization structure. From the economic analysis is obtained : Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) = Rp 492.045.025.242 Working Capital Investment (WCI) = Rp 86.831.475.043 Total Capital Investment (TCI) = Rp 578.876.500.285 Break Even Point (BEP) = 47,63% Shut Down Point (SDP) = 21,07% Pay Out Time before taxes (POT)b = 3,16 years Pay Out Time after taxes (POT)a = 3,65 years Return on Investment before taxes (ROI)b = 27,91% Return on Investment after taxes (ROI)a = 22,33% Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) = 17,05% Based on some of the above explanations, the establishment of the magnesium sulphate plant is feasible for further study, because it is a profitable plant from the economic side and has a relatively good prospect.