@misc{eprints29266, month = {Oktober}, title = {KONTRIBUSI LAHAN PEKARANGAN TERHADAP PENDAPATAN KELUARGA DI DESA TRIYOSO KECAMATAN BELITANG KABUPETEN OGAN KOMERING ULU TIMUR TAHUN 2017 }, author = {1313034014 APRI SETIAWAN}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN}, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/29266/}, abstract = {Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai kontribusi pekarangan terhadap pendapatan keluarga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh keluarga yang ada di Desa Triyoso yang berjumlah 396 keluarga. Penarikan sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan sampel Purposive Sampling sebesar 50\% dari 102 keluarga di Dusun Trukorejo Lor. Metode Pengumpulan data yang digunakan metode observasi, wawancara terstruktur dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data menggunakan tabel persentase. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa : (1) Rata-rata luas pekarangan yang dimiliki keluarga seluas 1.094 m2. (2) pemanfaatan pekarangan oleh keluarga tergolong rendah. (3) Variasi pemanfaatan pekarangan berupa pertanian holtikultura, pertanian perdu, tanaman keras dan peternakan. (4) Rata-rata pendapatan keluarga yang berasal dari pekarangan sebesar Rp 507.500 perbulan. (5) Rata-rata pendapatan keluarga di luar pekarangan sebesar Rp 2.977.678 perbulan. (6) Kontribusi pekarangan terhadap pendapatan total keluarga tergolong rendah yaitu 13.91\%. Kata Kunci : Kontribusi, Pekarangan, Pendapatan Keluarga. KONTRIBUSI PEKARANGAN TERHADAP PENDAPATAN KELUARGA DI DESA TRIYOSO KECAMATAN BELITANG KABUPATEN OGAN KOMERING ULU TIMUR TAHUN 2017 The aim of this research is to get information on the contribution of the yard against the income of the family. This research is descriptive research. The populationin this reseach is the entire of families who live in Triyoso Village which there are 396 families. Witdrawal of samples in the study is using a purposive sampling of 50\% of the 102 families in the hamlet of the Trukorejo Lor. Method of data collection used are the methods of observation, structured interviews and dokumentation. Methods of data analysis is using the table percentage. Research result obtained are : (1) the average area of lawn by family there was 1.094 m2. (2) Utilization of the family compound was classified as low. (3) The form of the farm yard utilization variation under the shrubs, plants, agriculture and animal husbandry. (4) the average family?s income that comes from the grounds was Rp 507.500 monthly. (5) The average income of the families outside the grounds was Rp 2.977.678 monthly. (6) the contribution towards the total income of the family yard belongs to low with an average was 13,91 \%. Keyword : Contribution, The Yard, Income of The Family } }