@misc{eprints29615, month = {Oktober}, title = {THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CIRC (COOPERATIVE INTEGRATED READING AND COMPOSITION) TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS? READING NARRATIVE TEXT IN THE SECOND GRADE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 7 BANDAR LAMPUNG}, author = {1313042089 YUNISKA MURTI AYU }, address = {LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY}, publisher = {The Faculty of Teacher and Education}, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/29615/}, abstract = {This research was intended to find whether there was a statistically significant improvement of the students? reading of narrative texts after the implementation of CIRC technique and to investigate which aspect of reading skill improves the most after the implementation of CIRC technique. The subjects of this research were the students of SMPN 7 Bandar Lampung Grade VIII. The researcher chose one class as the research sample which consisted of 34 students. The researcher administered a pretest, treatments, and a posttest. The instrument used in this research was reading test. To analyze the result, the researcher compared the mean of students? pretest and posttest score by using Paired Sample T-test. This study used a split-half method in order to avoid the subjectivity of giving score with the result of 0.97. The result showed that the gain of students score in pretest was 61.02 and the posttest was 71.76. It could be seen that the improvement of students? reading ability was 10.74. Besides, the result of computation showed that t-ratio was higher than t-table (12.522{\ensuremath{>}}2.034) which mean the H1 hypothesis was accepted. Then, it proved that there was an improvement of students? ability in reading narrative text after being taught by using CIRC technique and the aspect that improved the most was main idea. From the result, it could be concluded that CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) improves students? reading narrative text. This suggests that reading through CIRC facilitates the students to improve their reading ability in narrative text. Keywords: reading, narrative text, CIRC} }