TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints29884 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/29884/ A1 - JOYEVAN GIBA BARUS, 1314141022 Y1 - 2017/11/29/ N2 - Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Total Plate Count dan Salmonella pada daging broiler yang direndam daun salam. Dilaksanakan pada April --- Mei 2017. Analisis dilakukan di Laboratorium Kesmavet, Balai Veteriner Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 sampel ayam yang diambil dari kandang lalu dipotong dan direndam daun salam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada perlakuan P0 ( tanpa perendaman daun salam) memiliki rata rata jumlah Total Plate Count yang paling sedikit dibandingkan P1 ( 20 menit), P2 ( 40 menit), P3 ( 60 menit). Hanya P0 yang jumlah Total Plate Countnya di bawah batas maksimum cemaran mikroba. Hasil pengujian kadar Salmonella menunjukkan hasil negatif di semua perlakuan. Kata kunci: broiler, daun salam, salmonella, total plate count abstract The aim of research to determine the content of total plate count and Salmonella in broiler meat which is immersed in salam leaf solution. This research was conducted in Mei?June 2017. The analysis was done in Veterinary Public Health laboratory, Lampung Regional Veterinary Hall. This research used 20 chicken sample that collected from poultry farm then slaughtered and immersed in salam leaf solution. The results of this research indicated that from 20 chicken sample, the P0 treatment (without immersed in salam leaf solution) contain lesser average Total Plate Count level compared P1 (20 minutes), P2 (40 minutes), P3 (60 minutes). Only P0 treatment that contain amount of Total Plate Count below the maximum microba contamination standard while other treatments contain Total Plate Count above the maximum microba contamination standard. The results of research in Salmonella content indicated negatif results in every treatments. Key words: broiler meat, salam leaf, salmonella and total plate count. PB - FAKULTAS PERTANIAN TI - PENGARUH LAMA PERENDAMAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN LARUTAN DAUN SALAM ( SZYGIUM POLYANTHUM) SEBAGAI PENGAWET TERHADAP TOTAL PLATE COUNT DAN SALMONELLA PADA DAGING BROILER AV - restricted ER -