%A 1523042034 SRI SUCI SURYAWATI %T MODIFYING TEACHING MATERIAL OF WORD MAP TO ENHANCE STUDENTS? WRITING ACHIEVEMENT OF DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH %X The research is conducted in order to find out the problems the students face in the implementation of modified word map in teaching writing; to find out whether the significant differences on students? writing skill before and after the implementation of modified word map; and to find out how can the implementation of modified word map affect students? writing skill. This is a quasi-experimental research with one group pre-test post-test design. It applies the modified word map on students? writing achievement. The samples, who were taken purposively, are 30 Junior High School students of the seventh grader. The instruments used in this study were writing test and interview. The validity of the two instruments were based on content and construct validity. The reliability of the instruments were using inter-rater reliability. The data were analyzed both of quantitatively and qualitatively. The result of the research show that the implementation of modified word map is effective to increase student's writing skill. Students? writing skill after using modified word map is increased. Based on the calculation, the mean of the pretest score was 66.90 and the posttest mean score 73.90. The result of calculation shows that sig (2 tailed) is 0.000. It means that sig