TY - THES ID - eprints30913 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/30913/ A1 - Saturnino Xavier, 1324151009 Y1 - 2018/01/05/ N2 - Rusa timor (Cervus timorensis) termasuk satwa liar dilindungi, penangkaran rusa timor adalah bagian dari pelestarian jenis sekaligus menjadi peluang untuk dikembangkan menjadi objek wisata. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari aspek teknis, finansial dan manajemen. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada Februari-April 2017. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis produktivitas pakan dengan sistem pangkas, analisis kriteria investasi dengan pendekatan Net Present Value, Break Event Point, Benefit Cost Ratio dan Payback Period serta observasi dan analisis SWOT. Hasil analisis diketahui bahwa produktivitas pakan 135.302 kg/tahun, tingkat konsumsi 5,5 kg/ekor/hari. Analisis finansial dengan suku bunga 12% menunjukkan nilai BEP untuk volume rusa 817 ekor, BEP harga rusa Rp. 1.634.405.600, BEP volume karcis masuk 1.634.406 lembar, BEP harga karcis Rp. 377.130, BEP volume jasa parkir mobil 2.724.009, BEP harga Rp. 3.570.130, BEP volume jasa parkir motor 4.086.014, BEP harga Rp. 1.912.928. Nilai NPV minus (3.987.612.310), nilai B/C R 0, PP 34 tahun sehingga secara finansial usaha penangkaran tidak layak (unfeasible). Persepsi masyarakat yaitu keberadaan penangkaran rusa timor di Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman Lampung dapat dikembangkan menjadi objek wisata. Pengelolaan telah menerapkan fungsi manajemen yaitu perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan. Strategi prioritas utama yaitu peningkatan kerjasama antara pengelola dengan instansi terkait. Kata kunci : Dilindungi, konservasi, manfaat, penangkaran, rusa Timor d eer ( Cervus timorensis ) including protected wildlife, captive breeding is a part of species preservation as well as an opportunity to be developed into a tourist attraction. The purpose of this research is to know the feasibility of technical, financial and management aspect. The study was conducted in February - April 2017. The m ethod used is analysis of feed productivity with cropping system, analysis of investment criteria with Net Present Value approach, Break Event Point, Benefit Cost Ratio and Payback Period and observation and SWOT analysis. The results of the analysis revea led that the productivity of feed 135.302 kg / year, the consumption rate of 5.5 kg / head / day. Financial analysis with an interest rate of 12% shows the BEP value for the reindeer volume of 817, BEP the price of the deer Rp. 1.634.405.600, BEP volume of admission tickets 1,634,406 pieces, BEP ticket price Rp. 377,130, BEP car parking service volume 2,724,009, BEP price Rp. 3,570,130, BEP volume of motor parking service 4,086,014, BEP price of Rp. 1.912.928. NPV value minus (3.987.612.310), B / C R value 0, PP 34 years so financially unfeasible breeding business. Public perception that the existence of captivity of timor deer in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman Lampung can be developed into a tourist attraction. Management has implemented management functions such as planning, organizing, implementation and supervision. The main priority strategy is to increase cooperation between management and related institutions. Keywords : Protected, conservation, benefit, captive, deer PB - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG M1 - masters TI - STUDI KELAYAKAN PENGEMBANGAN BISNIS KONSERVASI BERBASIS PENANGKARAN RUSA TIMOR (Cervus timorensis) DI TAHURA WAN ABDUL RACHMAN LAMPUNG AV - restricted ER -