%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A MISFI LAILI ROHMI, 1621021004 %A undadanish@gmail.com, %B FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS %D 2018 %F eprints:31010 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %T EFEKTIVITAS KEBIJAKAN PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN BERBASIS BANTUAN DAN PERLINDUNGAN SOSIAL BAGI MASYARAKAT (Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Pringsewu Provinsi Lampung) %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/31010/ %X Poverty has become a crucial issue in Indonesia. The government has put efforts to alleviate poverty, one of which is through cash transfer and social protection-based policy in form of poor individuals as well as households’ basic needs and rights compliance consisting of education, health service, food, sanitation, and clean water. Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is one of the policies emphasizing on health care and children’s need of schooling for the beneficiaries (KPM) with an expectation that it will be able to break intergenerational poverty in the long run by the effort of investment to the two sectors. In its application, PKH is no exception to face difficulties and hindrances. One of which is the input aspect – the issue of beneficiaries’ eligibility. It was presumed that the process involved in the determining the candidates of beneficiaries was not objective and appropriate based on the general guidance of PKH. Another is the output aspect of several indicators on health service and children school attendance that have not yet been achieved. Therefore, this research is aimed at investigating the effectiveness of PKH viewed from the aspects of input, process, and output of the program. This research utilized quantitative descriptive design occupying questionnaire as the instrument guided by the writer. Meanwhile, data analysis technique was in form of questionnaire scoring that was then, compared to the ideal criteria that have been established in PKH general guidance. Research result indicates that PKH is effectively run in the input aspect (in the matter of beneficiaries’ eligibility), process aspect (undergoing appropriately based on the general guidance of PKH), and output aspect in education (children were sent to school – primary school, junior high school, and senior high school). On the other side, however, PKH does not go well in the health care side. It is seen in some of its indicators comprising low gain of supplement fe, insufficient posnatal care check as well as minimum 0-1 month infant health check (only three time respectively), slightly a bit coverage of 0-11 month infant complete immunisation and scheduled Vitamin A distribution. Key words: PKH, Beneficiaries (KPM), Effevtiveness, Input, Process, and Output Aspects Masalah kemiskinan masih menjadi isu penting di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk menanggulangi masalah kemiskinan, salah satunya melalui kebijakan berbasis bantuan dan perlindungan sosial yang berupa pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar individu maupun rumah tangga miskin yang meliputi pendidikan, pelayanan kesehatan, pangan, sanitasi, dan air bersih. Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) merupakan salah satu bentuk kebijakan tersebut yang menitikberatkan pada bidang kesehatan dan pendidikan anak-anak dari Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) dengan harapan kelak akan memutus mata rantai kemiskinan melalui investasi pada kedua bidang tersebut. Dalam pelaksanaannya, PKH tidak luput dari berbagai permasalahan. Mulai dari aspek input yaitu adanya dugaan ketidaktepatan sasaran program, proses yang belum sesuai dengan pedoman umum PKH, serta aspek output yaitu belum tercapainya beberapa indikator pada bidang kesehatan dan pendidikan. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas PKH dilihat dari aspek input, proses, dan output program. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan instrumen kuesioner yang dipandu oleh peneliti. Teknik analisis data menggunakan skoring kuesioner yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan kriteria ideal yang telah ditetapkan dalam PKH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PKH sudah efektif dari aspek input (sudah tepat sasaran), aspek proses (sudah berjalan sesuai pedoman umum PKH) dan aspek output bidang pendidikan (anak didaftarkan di satuan pendidikan SDSMA). Akan tetapi, PKH belum efektif dari aspek kesehatan pada beberapa indikator yaitu, perolehan suplemen fe, pemeriksaan posnatal care sebanyak 3 kali, pemeriksaan bayi 0-1 bulan sebanyak 3 kali, cakupan imunisasi lengkap balita 0-11 bulan, dan cakupan balita 0-11 bulan mendapat Vitamin A sesuai jadwal. Kata kunci: PKH, Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM), efektivitas, aspek input, proses dan output