%A 1213023076 ULFA HIDAYANTI %T PENGEMBANGAN E-BOOK INTERAKTIF BERBASIS REPRESENTASI KIMIA PADA MATERI LARUTAN PENYANGGA %X Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas e-book interaktif berbasis representasi kimia pada materi larutan penyangga yang dikembangkan, dan kepraktisan e-book interaktif berbasis representasi kimia pada materi larutan penyangga yang dikembangkan. Metode penelitian yang di?gu?na?kan ada?lah me?????-tode Research and Development (R&D). Validator memberikan penilaian untuk aspek konstruksi, keterbacaan dan kesesuaian isi e-book interaktif dalam kategori tinggi dan dinyatakan valid. Hasil penilitian ini menunjukkan bahwa e-book interaktif yang dikembangkan memiliki validitas yang sangat tinggi dan praktis. Kata Kunci: e-book interaktif, larutan penyangga. ABSTRACT This research was aimed to develop and describe validity and practicality of an interactive e-book based on chemical representation on buffer materials. Research was conducted using the method of Research and Development (R&D). This research was conducted in 4 state high schools and 2 public high schools in Shouthern Lampung district. The teacher?s response data on the content suitability and attractiveness aspects were obtained by using a questionnaires and response data on the readability aspect were obtained by using questionnaire. In this research the validator gave an assessment to the aspects of construction, readabitily, suitability of content interactive e-book in a high category and is declared valid. The theacher responses and student responses are also categorized high and the result of this study indicate that in interactive e-book based on chemical representation on buffered solvent material developed is valid and practical. Keywords: buffer, chemical represantation, interactive e-book. %D 2018 %C FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN %R 1213023076 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints31109