%A 1113042036 HAMDAN HANIIFAN %T CORRELATION BETWEEN ATTITUDE TO READING AND LEARNING STRATEGY ON READING USED BY STUDENTS OF SMAN 1 TERBANGGI BESAR %X This research was intended to investigate correlation between attitude to reading and the use of learning strategy on reading and the contribution of attitude to reading toward students? reading learning strategy in terms of cognitive, metacognitive, and social strategy. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Terbanggi Besar to 33 Students in class XI Science I as the sample. To collect the data, the reseracher administered two questionnaires, attitude to reading questionnaireand reading learning strategies questionnaire. Then, the result of the questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively using Pearson Product Moment in SPSS 16 for Windows. In reference to the data analysis of attitude to reading questionnaire and reading learning strategies questionnaire, it was obtained that the highest score of reading learning strategies questionairewas 70, the lowest score was 35, divided with 20 as the number of questionnaire items, there was 3.5 as the highest score and 1.75 as the lowest score. The mean of the average score was 2.99. There were 21 students who had higher average score and other 12 students had lower average score compared to the mean. Reffering to the reading learning strategies questionnaire there were only 5 students who dominantly used cognitive strategies in reading, 21 students dominantly used metacognitive strategies in reading, and there were 7 students who dominantly used social strategies in reading. The result of attitude to reading questionnaire test and learning strategy quentionnaire test showed coefficient of corelation 0.108. with the r-value (0.108) < r table (0,3440). Furthermore, it was found that students? attitude to reading contributes 4.9% to cognitive strategies, 0.8% to metacognitive strategies, and 1.1% to social strategies. Considering the result of the analysis, it can be concluded that there is a corelation between students? attitude to reading and their learning strategies use in reading, but it is not significant and attitude to reading has a little contribution to the use of learning strategies in reading by students of SMAN 1 Terbanggi Besar Keywords : attitude to reading, learning strategy on reading, correlation. %D 2018 %C LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY %R 1113042036 %I TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY %L eprints31119