%0 Generic %A Candra Cahyani Gani, 1013042028 %C TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY %D 2018 %F eprints:31289 %I LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY %T THE STUDY OF SPEECH ACT SETS OF REFUSAL ON INDONESIAN STUDENTS SPEAKING ENGLISH %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/31289/ %X The aim of this study was to find out whether there was a difference of speech act set of refusal between high proficiency and low proficiency students. This research was qualitative research. The subjects were 5 students who had 6.5 IELTS score or higher and 5 students who had 5 IELTS score or lower. A speaking test with roleplay method were used to collect the data. The result of this research showed that high proficiency students produce more uterances to express refusal than those with low proficiency level. This indicates that higher proficiency students produce various uterances in the three different social contexts; refusing professors (+Power, +Distance), friends (-Power, +Distance), and a staff members (-Power, +Distance). Keywords : speech act, refusal, high proficiency, low proficiency