title: PENGARUH PENERAPAN MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR TEMATIK TERPADU PESERTA DIDIK KELAS IV SD NEGERI 2 GONDANGREJO KECAMATAN PEKALONGAN creator: Elisabet Mely Andini, 1443053018 subject: LB Theory and practice of education description: ABSTRAK Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar tematik terpadu peserta didik kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Gondangrejo Kecamatan Pekalongan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model Discovery Learning terhadap hasil belajar tetmatik terpadu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian nonequivalen control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas IV sebanyak 43 peserta didik. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas IV-A sebagai kelas kontrol sebanyak 21 peserta didik dan kelas IV-B sebagai kelas eksperimen sebanyak 22 peserta didik. Teknik pengambilan menggunakan simple random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi, wawancara, observasi dan tes. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menggunakan uji regresi linier sederhana, terdapat pengaruh penerapan model Discovery Learning terhadap hasil belajar tematik terpadu peserta didik. Hasil analisis menggunakan uji t-test terdapat perbedaan pengunaan model Discovery Learning dengan pembelajaran konvensional terhadap hasil belajar tematik terpadu peserta didik. Kata kunci : discovery learning, hasil belajar, pembelajaran tematik terpadu. ABSTRACT The problem of this research was the low students result of students’ integrated thematic. This study aims to find out the effect of Discovery Learning to integrated thematic lerning outcoumes. The method of this research was experimental research which the design used nonequivalent control group design. The population is all fifth grade students as much forty three students. The research sample were students class IV-A as control class as much twenty one students and class IV-B as experiment class as much twenty two students with taking techniques simple random sampling. Data collection techniques are documentation, interview, observation and test. Based on the results of data analysis by simple linier test, that there is effect of implementation Discovery Learning on students integrated thematic learning outcomes. The results of data analysis by t-test showed that there is different of implementstion Discovery Learning with conventional learning on students integrated thematic learning outcomes. Keyword : discovery learning, students result, integrated thematic learning publisher: FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN date: 2018-05-08 type: Skripsi type: NonPeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/31976/1/ABSTRAK.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/31976/2/SKRIPSI%20TANPA%20BAB%20PEMBAHASAN.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/31976/18/SKRIPSI%20FULL.pdf identifier: Elisabet Mely Andini, 1443053018 (2018) PENGARUH PENERAPAN MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR TEMATIK TERPADU PESERTA DIDIK KELAS IV SD NEGERI 2 GONDANGREJO KECAMATAN PEKALONGAN. FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/31976/