%A 1316021001 ABDI NUGERAHA %T PELAKSANAAN KEBIJAKAN TENTANG JAM OPRASIONAL WARUNG INTERNET DI KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG %X Pemerintah Kota Bandar Lampung membuat surat edaran No. 480/60/III.19/2015 tentang jam operasional warung internet di Kota Bandar Lampung. Tujuan kebijakan tersebut untuk mencegah agar pelajar di Kota Bandar Lampung tidak bolos saat jam sekolah. Namun ternyata masih banyak warnet yang masih buka 24 jam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penyebab alasan tidak terlaksananya pelaksanaan kebijakan tentang jam oprasional warnet di Kota Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab tidak terlaksananya kebijakan tentang jam oprasional warung internet. Dengan menggunakan 4 indikator pelaksanaan kebijakan : (1) Kewenangan/Struktur Organisasi, (2) Komunikasi, (3) Sumberdaya, (4) Disposisi/Sikap Pelaksana, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Surat Edaran No. 480/60/III.19/2015 tidak terlaksana. Karena dari ke 4 indikator tersebut belum menunjukan hasil pelaksanaan kebijakan terlaksana. Kata Kunci : Pelaksanaan, Surat Edaran, Warung internet abstract The government of Bandar Lampung city has made the circular No. 480/60/III/19.2015 about the rule of operational hour of internet cafe in Bandar Lampung city. The purpose of this policy is to prevent all students in Bandar Lampung city escape from their school at learning activity. However, But there are still many cafes that are still open 24 hours. The aim of this research was to investigate the reasons behind why the implementation of policy about internet cafe?s operational hour in Bandar Lampung city did not run well. This research uses descriptive research type with qualitative approach and with data collection technique that is interview, documentation, and observation. This research aimed to find out the causes why the implementation of policy about internet cafe?s operational hour in Bandar Lamoung city was not implemented appropriately. By using that is, 4 indicators of the implementation policy: (1) Authority/ The Structure of Organization, (2) Communication, (3) Resources, (4) Disposition/ Attitude of Exucutor, in which can be concluded the circular No. 480/60/III/19.2015 have not run well yet. There was only one of four indicators that it can be concluded that Circular Letter no. 480/60 / III / 19.2015 not implemented. Because of the 4 indicators have not shown the results of implementation of the policy implemented. Keyword : Implementation, Circular, Internet Cafe %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2018 %I FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK %L eprints31986