@misc{eprints31992, month = {Maret}, title = { IDENTIFIKASI MAGMA CHAMBER BERDASARKAN ANALISIS DATA MAGNETIK TOTAL DI GUNUNG ILI LEWOTOLO KABUPATEN LEMBATA, NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR BERDASARKAN DATA SURVEI TAHUN 2010}, author = {1015051045 DITO HADISURYA}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS TEKNIK}, year = {2018}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/31992/}, abstract = {Telah dilakukan penelitian di daerah Gunung Ili Lewotolo menggunakan data magnetik dengan tujuan mengetahui batas persebaran magma berdasarkan analisis data Anomali Magnetik Total dan melakukan pemodelan magma berdasarkan data 3D Anomali Magnetik Total. Daerah penelitian memiliki nilai anomali magnetik sekitar -1000 nT sampai 1100 nT, dimana nilai anomali magnetik tinggi memiliki rentang nilai 400 nT sampai 1100 nT yang berada di arah utara dan selatan daerah penelitian. Sedangkan nilai anomali magnetik rendah memiliki rentang nilai -1000 nT sampai -400 nT yang berada di tengah daerah penelitian. Dari hasil pemodelan 3D anomali magnetik menunjukkan bahwa magma chamber berada hingga pada kedalaman 4000 meter dari permukaan laut. Dimana aktifitas magma chamber mengarah ke sebelah selatan badan Gunung api Ili Lewotolo, dengan orientasi Barat-Timur sejajar dengan arah subduksi lempeng. Erupsi gunung api Ili Lewotolo selanjutnya berkemungkinan ke arah selatan badan gunung, jika diketahui data yang lebih detail. Kata Kunci: Gunungapi Ili Lewotolo, magnetik, model inversi 3D. ABSTRACT Research has been conducted in the area of Mount Ili Lewotolo using magnetic data with the aim of knowing the limits of magma distribution based on total magnetic anomaly data analysis and doing magma modeling based on 3D data of total magnetic anomaly. The research area has a magnetic anomaly value about -1000 nT to 1100 nT, where the value of high magnetic anomaly has a range of values of 400 nT to 1100 nT located in the north and south direction of the study area. While the value of low magnetic anomaly has a range of values -1000 nT to -400 nT located in the middle of the study area. From the results of 3D modeling magnetic anomaly shows that the magma chamber is up to a depth of 4000 meters from sea level. Where the activity of magma chamber leads to the southern body of Ili Lewotolo Volcano, with Orientation East-East parallel to the direction of plate subduction. The volcano eruption of Ili Lewotolo is further likely to the south of the mountain body, if more detailed data are known. Keywords: 3D inversion model, magnetic, volcano Ili Lewotolo.} }