@misc{eprints32117, month = {Desember}, title = {PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN TIPE SNOWBALL THROWING DALAM MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR GEOGRAFI SISWA KELAS XI SMA MATHLA?UL ANWAR SINDANGSARI DESA KARYAMULYA SARI KECAMATAN CANDIPURO KABUPATEN LAMPUNG SELATAN TAHUN PELAJARAN (2015/2016) }, author = {0643034014 FEBRIYANTI USBAY}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN}, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/32117/}, abstract = {Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe snowball throwing dalam meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar geografi siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Mathla?ul Anwar Sindangsari. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam 3 siklus. Tiap siklus terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Penelitian ini berlokasi di SMA Mathla?ul Anwar Sindangsari dengan subjek penelitian adalah 46 siswa yang terdiri dari 20 putra dan 26 putri. Data yang diambil berupa hasil tes akhir siklus dan hasil observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan prosentase aktivitas belajar geografi siswa materi komposis penduduk pada siklus I sebanyak 22 siswa atau 47,8\%, siklus II sebanyak 37 siswa atau 80,4\% siswa aktiv atau meningkat 32,6\%, siklus III sebanyak 42 siswa atau 91,3\% atau meningkat10,9\%. Selanjutnya peningkatan tertinggi pada aspek menjawab pertanyaan dari teman-temannya siklus I sebanyak 1 siswa atau 2,2\% dapat menjawab sangat baik, siklus II sebanyak 17 siswa atau 37\% dapat menjawab sangat baik atau meningkat 34,8\% Siklus III sebanyak 23 siswa atau 50\% atau meningkat 15,2\%. Lebih lanjut prosentase ketuntasan hasil belajar geografi siklus I sebanyak 21 siswa 45,65\% tuntas KKM, siklus II sebanyak 34 siswa atau 73,91\% tuntas KKM meningkat sebesar 28,26\%. Siklus III sebanyak 40 siswa atau 86,96\% tuntas KKM meningkat 13,5\%. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe snowball throwing dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan hasil belajar siswa, dan disarankan kepada guru mata pelajaran geografi agar menerapkan pendekatan ini pada materi geografi selanjutnya. Kata Kunci : snowball throwing, aktivitas belajar dan hasil belajar. LEARNING MODEL APPLICATION TYPE SNOWBALL THROWING INCREASE IN LEARNING OUTCOMES GEOGRAPHY CLASS XI AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL MATHLA'UL ANWAR SINDANGSARI KARYAMULYA SARI VILLAGE DISTRICT IN CANDIPURO SOUTH LAMPUNG REGENCY ACADEMIC YEAR (2015/2016) This study subject to analyze the use of cooperative models snowball throwing to increase activity and learning outcomes geography class XI social Sciences at senior high school Mathla'ul Sindangsari Anwar. The research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four phases: preparation, action, observation, and reflection. This research is located at senior high school Mathla'ul Anwar Sindangsari with research subjects were 46 students consisting of 20 sons and 26 daughters. Data taken form the final test results and observations from the cycle. The results showed that an increase in the percentage of students learning activity geography of the material composition of the population in the first cycle were 22 students or 47.8\%, the second cycle as many as 37 students or 80.4\% of students are inactive or increased 32.6\%, the third cycle as many as 42 students or 91.3\%, an increase of 10.9\%. The next highest increase in the aspect answered questions from his friends as much as first cycle one students or 2.2\% can be answered very well, the second cycle as many as 17 students or 37\% can be answered very good, an increase of 34.8\% as much as 23 third Cycle students or 50\% or an increase of 15.2\%. Furthermore, the percentage of mastery learning outcomes geography first cycle were 21 students completed 45.65\% minimum completeness criteria (MCC), the second cycle as many as 34 students or 73.91\% due minimum completeness criteria (MCC) increased by 28.26\%. third Cycle of 40 students or 86.96\% due minimum completeness criteria (MCC) increase of 13.5\%. Based on analysis of the data shows that the use of cooperative learning throwing snowball can increase the activity of learning and student learning outcomes and suggested to the subject teachers of geography in order to apply this approach to the material subsequent geography. Keywords: snowball throwing, learning activities and learning outcomes. } }