creators_name: AYU REZA NINGRUM , 1623031004 creators_id: type: thesis datestamp: 2018-07-26 02:32:30 lastmod: 2018-07-26 02:32:30 metadata_visibility: show title: INTERAKSI SOSIAL ANTARA JAWA DENGAN BALI DI DESA BAWANG TIRTO MULYO DAN DESA KAHURIPAN DALAM KABUPATEN TULANG BAWANG ispublished: pub subjects: HM subjects: HN full_text_status: restricted abstract: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki interaksi sosial antara dua kelompok etnis Jawa dan Bali di Bawang Tirto Mulyo dan Kahuripan Dalam, khususnya dalam bentuk kerjasama, asimilasi, akulturasi, dan akomodasi, yaitu interaksi antarindividu dan interaksi antar kelompok. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah snowball sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data didapat melalui observasi partisipatif, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi foto. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Interaksi sosial antaretnis Jawa dan Bali: (a) Kerjasama, dimana mayoritas masyarakat Bali gemar menggunakan jasa masyarakat Jawa untuk mengurus kebun miliknya. (b) Asimilasi, yakni adanya tradisi saling berkunjung ketika ada tetangga atau teman (Bali) yang merayakan Hari Raya Galungan dan Hari Raya Idul Fitri maka kedua etnis tersebut saling berkunjung dan berbagi makanan. (c) Akulturasi, seperti ada acara kenduri/doa bersama (etnis Jawa), mereka mengundang tetangga (etnis Bali). (d) Akomodasi, yakni etnis Jawa dan Bali saling bertoleransi demi terciptanya kehidupan yang aman, damai dan rukun. (2) Interaksi antarkelompok pada etnis Jawa dan Bali: (a) Kerjasama, bentuk ini terwujud dalam dalam hal gotong royong saat “pawai ogoh-ogoh”, dimana sebagian pemuda etnis Jawa membantu mengangkat “ogoh-ogoh” saat pawai setelah masyarakat Bali menjalani Ibadah Nyepi. (b) Asimilasi, seperti terciptanya sebuah amalgamasi antaretnis Jawa dan Bali. (c) Akulturasi, terdapat variasi pemakaian bahasa Jawa dan Bali dalam kehidupan sehari. (d) Akomodasi, sempat terjadi perselisihan antara etnis Jawa dan Bali pada awal tahun 1990an yang disebabkan karena kesalahpahaman, namun akhirnya dapat terselesaikan dengan baik. Kata kunci : interaksi sosial, etnis, jawa, bali abstract The objective of the resrach is to investigate social interaction between two ethnic groups of Javanese and Balinese in Bawang Tirto Mulyo and Kahuripan Dalam, particularly in the forms of cooperation, assimilation, acculturation, and accommodation in two levels, i.e., the interaction between individuals and the interaction between groups. This research used qualitative descriptive method, using an ethnographic approach. The sampling technique used was snowball sampling. Data collection techniques are obtained through participative observation, in-depth interviews, and photo documentation. The results showed that (1) Javanese and Balinese social interactions : (a) Cooperation, where the majority of Balinese people are fond of using the services of the Javanese community to take care of their own gardens. (b) Assimilation, that is the tradition of visiting each other when there are neighbors or friends (Bali) who celebrate Galungan and Eid al-Fitr, then the two ethnic groups visit each other and share food. (c) Acculturation, such as there is a gathering / joint prayer (Javanese ethnic), they invite neighbors (ethnic Balinese). (d) Accommodation, ie ethnic Javanese and Balinese tolerate each other for the sake of creating a safe, peaceful and harmonious life. (2) Interaction between groups of ethnic Javanese and Balinese: (a) Cooperation, this form manifests in terms of mutual cooperation during the "ogoh-ogoh parade", where some ethnic Javanese youths helped to lift "ogoh-ogoh" during the march after the Balinese worshiped Nyepi. (b) Assimilation, such as the creation of an inter-ethnic amalgamation of Java and Bali. (c) Acculturation, there is a variation of Javanese and Balinese language usage in daily life. (d) Accommodation, there had been a dispute between ethnic Javanese and Balinese in the early 1990s due to misunderstanding, but it was finally resolved. Keywords: social interaction, ethnic, javanese, balinese date: 2018-05-14 date_type: published institution: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG department: FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN thesis_type: masters citation: AYU REZA NINGRUM , 1623031004 (2018) INTERAKSI SOSIAL ANTARA JAWA DENGAN BALI DI DESA BAWANG TIRTO MULYO DAN DESA KAHURIPAN DALAM KABUPATEN TULANG BAWANG. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: