%A 1423042067 TITIS ARSIWI %T DEVELOPING WRITING ACHIEVEMENT BY USING STUDENT TEAMS ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION IN THE EIGTH GRADE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL MTS DARUL A?MAL METRO %X Writing skill is often assumed as the most difficult language skill compared to other language skills because it requires a higher level of productive skill control than the others. Students can see the weakness of their own writing. One way to increase student?s ability in writing is Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD). It has been proven to be one of an effective way to improve student?s writing. This study has been examined in Mts Darul A?mal Metro. Students may find difficulties in writing in a form of good and right English. The purpose of the research is to find out the student?s writing ability by using STAD by students of Mts Darul A?mal Metro. All the students are female. This research was conducted by using quasi experimental time series design. The subject of the research were 30 students of the eigth grade in class of 8A of Mts darul A?mal Metro. Then the writer used writing test and observation sheet to obtain the data. Firstly, to find out whether there is a significant effect of STAD related to the student?s ability in writing before and after giving STAD. Secondly, to find out which topic of writing is mostly influenced by using STAD. And Thirdly, to find out how STAD is implemented in teaching writing. The researcher analyzed the data by using descriptive statistic namely One Way Anova and Observation Sheets. The result shows that STAD can increase student?s writing ability based on the result score in descriptive writing. The finding of the research implies that there is effect of STAD on student?s writing with difference topic. Keywords: writing, STAD. %D 2018 %I UNIVRSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints32521