@misc{eprints32606, month = {Juli}, title = {THE EFFECT OF BLENDED LEARNING ACTIVITY IN IMPROVING THE STUDENTS? ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL IN THE CONTEXT OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE}, author = {1413042054 RACHMA VIVIEN BELINDA }, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan}, year = {2018}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/32606/}, abstract = { The objectives of this research are to find out whether there is any improvement of the students? speaking skill after being taught through blended learning, and whether there is a significant difference of the students? speaking skill among three different degrees of topic choice freedom in delivering speeches in a blended class. This research is a quasi experiment in which the design is one group time series. The subjects of the research were twenty five university students aged around 19-20 years old, and they can also be categorized as advance level students. The data were elicited through the pre and the post tests taking by the students in forms of delivering speeches. Their speaking performance scores were compared between the pre and the post tests with the significant level 0.05. The different degrees of freedom in choosing the topics were also analyzed to find out the best way in improving the students? speaking skill for this blended model. The result showed that there was a statistically significant improvement of the students? speaking skills after they were taught through blended learning; moreover, there is a significant difference of the students? speaking skill among three different degrees of freedom in choosing speech topics in blended class. It can be seen from the Anova test result where all of the significant values are lower than {\ensuremath{\alpha}} (0.05). This suggests that blended learning facilitates the students to improve the capability of their speaking skill; and, the topic choice freedom in making a speech gives different results of the students? speaking performance depends on the degree of freedom in choosing the topic. } }