@misc{eprints32703, month = {Juli}, title = {PENGARUH SUPLEMENTASI TEPUNG DAUN KELOR (Moringa oleifera) PADA PAKAN TERHADAP PERFORMA PERTUMBUHAN IKAN GURAMI (Osphronemus gouramy) }, author = {1414111078 USSY TRI ANTI}, address = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, publisher = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, year = {2018}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/32703/}, abstract = { ABSTRACT THE EFFECT Of (Moringa oleifera) LEAF POWDER SUPPLEMENTATION On (Oshpronemus gouramy) GROWTH PERFORMANCE By Ussy Tri Anti This research explains the addition of flour of moringa leaf on feed to growth performance of gouramy fish using complete randomized design (RAL) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The method is add the composition of moringa flour (0\%, 2\%, 4\%, and 6\%) into the commercial food that has been destroyed/crumbed, then the feed was reshaped/replleted. Feeding rate (FR) used is 5\% with feeding three times a day. Parameters that observed were absolutte weight growth, daily growth, FCR (Feed Convertion Ratio), protein retention, lifetime and water quality. Data were statisticall analyzed using variance analysis and continued duncan test with 95\% confidence level. The result showed that there was a significant effect (P{\ensuremath{<}} 0,05) the addition of moringa flour on feed to the growth performance of gouramy fish. The treatment of 4\% is the optimum addition of maize flour in gouramy feed because it has the best growth rate that is the absolute weightrate (37,9 {$\pm$} 14,7 g), daily growth (0,47 {$\pm$} 0,03 g/day), FCR (2,35 {$\pm$} 0,13), and protein retention (39,37 {$\pm$} 4,78\%). Keywords : kelor leaves flour, gourami fish, growth, feed. ABSTRAK PENGARUH SUPLEMENTASI TEPUNG DAUN KELOR (Moringa oleifera) PADA PAKAN TERHADAP PERFORMA PERTUMBUHAN IKAN GURAMI (Osphronemus gouramy) By Ussy Tri Anti Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang penambahan tepung daun kelor pada pakan terhadap performa pertumbuhan ikan gurami menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu menambahkan komposisi tepung daun kelor (0\%, 2\%, 4\%, dan 6\%) ke dalam pakan komersial yang telah dihancurkan, kemudian pakan tersebut dicetak kembali/ repelleting. Feeding rate (FR) yang digunakan yaitu 5\% dengan pemberian pakan tiga kali sehari . Parameter yang diamati meliputi pertumbuhan bobot mutlak dan pertumbuhan harian, konversi pakan, retensi protein, kelangsungan hidup dan kualitas air. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan uji duncan dengan selang kepercayaan 95\%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh nyata (P{\ensuremath{<}}0,05) penambahan tepung daun kelor pada pakan terhadap performa pertumbuhan ikan gurami. Perlakuan 4\% merupakan komposisi penambahan tepung daun kelor yang optimum pada pakan gurami, karena memiliki performa pertumbuhan terbaik yaitu laju bobot mutlak (37,9 {$\pm$} 1,27 g), pertumbuhan harian (0,47 {$\pm$} 0,18 g/hari), konversi pakan (2,35 {$\pm$} 0,13), retensi protein (39,37 {$\pm$} 4,78\%). Kata kunci : tepung daun kelor, ikan gurami, pertumbuhan, pakan. } }