creators_name: SHELI KHATARINA, 1414051087 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2018-08-15 04:28:09 lastmod: 2018-08-15 04:28:09 metadata_visibility: show title: KAJIAN SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG UMBI SUWEG (Amorphophallus campanulatus B) PADA PEMBUATAN CRACKERS TERHADAP SIFAT KIMIA DAN ORGANOLEPTIK ispublished: pub subjects: SB full_text_status: restricted abstract: Umbi suweg memiliki prospek sebagai sumber pangan karbohidrat untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia. Kandungan karbohidrat pada umbi suweg dapat dijadikan beraneka produk seperti tepung umbi suweg. Pengolahan tepung umbi suweg menjadi crackers dapat megurangi penggunaan tepung terigu dari gandum impor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jumlah substitusi tepung umbi suweg dalam pembuatan crackers yang menghasilkan sifat kimia dan organoleptik terbaik. Penelitian disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) faktor tunggal dengan lima ulangan. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini adalah perbandingan antara tepung umbi suweg dan tepung terigu sebanyak 5 taraf, yaitu dengan nisbah tepung umbi suweg terhadap tepung terigu sebesar 0,1 (S1); 0,3 (S2); 0,5 (S3); 0,7 (S4); dan 0,9 (S5). Kesamaan ragam diuji dengan uji Bartlett dan kemenambahan data diuji dengan uji Tuckey. Data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam untuk mendapatkan penduga ragam galat dan uji signifikasi untuk mengetahui pengaruh antar perlakuan. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan antar perlakuan data dianalisis lebih lanjut menggunakan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan crackers umbi suweg terbaik adalah crackers dengan substitusi 9 g tepung umbi suweg dan 90 g tepung terigu dengan skor warna 3,78 (agak suka), skor rasa 3,92 (agak suka), skor aroma 3,81 (agak suka), skor tekstur 3,95 (agak renyah), skor penerimaan keseluruhan 3,99 (agak suka), kadar air 1,105 %, kadar abu 1,809 %, kadar protein 5,991 %, kadar lemak 16,137 %, dan total serat pangan 11,50%. Kata kunci : tepung umbi suweg, tepung terigu, crackers. ABSTRACT Umbi Suweg has the prospect as a source of carbohydrate food to be developed in Indonesia. The content of carbohydrates in umbi suweg can be used as a variety of products such as umbi suweg flour. Processing of umbi suweg flour into crackers can reduce the use of wheat flour from imported wheat. This study aims to obtain the amount of substitution of umbi suweg flour in the manufacture of crackers that produce the best chemical and organoleptic properties. The study was prepared in a Single Randomized Block Design (RAKL) single factor with five replications. The treatment of this research is the ratio of umbi suweg flour and wheat flour as much as 5 levels, with the ratio of umbi suweg flour to wheat flour by 0.1 (S1); 0.3 (S2); 0.5 (S3); 0.7 (S4); and 0.9 (S5). The similarity of variance was tested by Bartlett test and the addition of data was tested by Tuckey test. Data were analyzed by means of variation to obtain the error estimator and significance test to determine the effect of treatment. To know the difference between treatment data were analyzed by using the Smallest Differential Difference (BNT) test at 5% level. The results showed that the best umbi suweg crackers were crackers with substitution of 9 g of umbi suweg flour and 90 g of wheat flour with color score 3,78 (slightly like), taste score 3,92 (slightly like), aroma score 3,81 (slightly like), texture score 3,95 (slightly crunchy), overall acceptance score of 3.99 (slightly like), water content of 1.105%, ash content of 1.809%, protein content 5,991%, fat content 16.137%, and total dietary fiber 11 , 50%. Keywords : umbi suweg flour, wheat flour, crackers. date: 2018-07-27 date_type: published publisher: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG place_of_pub: FAKULTAS PERTANIAN citation: SHELI KHATARINA, 1414051087 (2018) KAJIAN SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG UMBI SUWEG (Amorphophallus campanulatus B) PADA PEMBUATAN CRACKERS TERHADAP SIFAT KIMIA DAN ORGANOLEPTIK. UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG , FAKULTAS PERTANIAN . document_url: document_url: document_url: