TY - GEN CY - Universitas Lampung ID - eprints33207 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/33207/ A1 - APRILIANA, 1417041013 Y1 - 2018/09/04/ N2 - Perhitungan laju reaksi fisi dan reaksi penangkapan neutron dengan dan tanpa filter menggunakan kode REACT pada program SRAC. Hasil perhitungan yang diperoleh menunjukkan nilai laju reaksi fisi dengan dan tanpa filter pada material 1 mengalami kenaikan seiring dengan peningkatan persentase pengayaan U233. Nilai tertinggi laju reaksi fisi dengan filter yaitu 5,7194x10-2 reaksi/cm3s dan tanpa filter 6,1361x10-2 reaksi/cm3s. Sedangkan nilai laju reaksi penangkapan dengan dan tanpa filter mengalami penurunan seiring peningkatan persentase pengayaan U233. Nilai tertinggi laju reaksi penangkapan dengan filter yaitu 2,2156x10-2 reaksi/cm3s dan tanpa filter 2,4906x10-2 reaksi/cm3s. Pada material 3, nilai laju reaksi fisi dan reaksi penangkapan neutron dengan dan tanpa filter mengalami penurunan seiring peningkatan persentase pengayaan U233 pada material 1. Nilai tertinggi laju reaksi fisi dengan filter yaitu 1,5218x10-2 reaksi/cm3s dan tanpa filter 1,6293x10-2 reaksi/cm3s. Nilai tertinggi laju reaksi penangkapan dengan filter yaitu 2,2156x10-2 reaksi/cm3s dan tanpa filter 2,3993x10-2 reaksi/cm3s. Nilai laju reaksi neutron dengan filter lebih kecil dibandingkan nilai laju reaksi neutron tanpa filter. Kata kunci: laju reaksi neutron, SCWR, thorium, SRAC. The calculation of fission and capture reaction rate with and without filter has been done using REACT of SRAC. In material 1 fission reaction rate with and without filter were increased by increasing percent of U233. The highest fission reaction rate with filter was 5,7194x10-2 reaction/cm3s and without filter was 6,1361x10-2 reaction/cm3s. Meanwhile capture reaction rate with and without filter were decreased by increasing percent of U233. The highest capture reaction rate with filter was 2,2156x10-2 reaction/cm3s and without filter was 2,4906x10-2 reaction/cm3s. In material 3, fission and capture reaction rate with and without filter were decreased by increasing percent of U233 in material 1. The highest fission reaction rate with filter was 1,5218x10-2 reaction/cm3s and without filter was 1,6293x10-2reaction/cm3s. The highest capture reaction rate with filter was 2,2156x10-2 reaction/cm3s and without filter was 2,3993x10-2 reaction /cm3s. Neutron reaction rate with filter was smaller than neutron reaction rate without filter. Keywords: neutron reaction rate, SCWR, thorium, SRAC. PB - Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam TI - STUDI PERHITUNGAN LAJU REAKSI NEUTRON DALAM REAKTOR SCWR (SUPERCRITICAL WATER REACTOR) MODEL PERANGKAT (ASSEMBLY) HEKSAGONAL BERBAHAN BAKAR THORIUM AV - restricted ER -