%A 1223031011 FATMA ROSSA %T MEDIA DEVELOPMENT OF CARTOON MOVIE ON ECONOMICS IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA FILM KARTUN PADA MATA PELAJARAN EKONOMI DI SMA %X This research aimed to develop learning media in the form of cartoon movies in economics of class X Senior High School and tested the effectiveness of film media by comparing the pre test and post test average score of learning result between experimental class and control class. This research began with need assessment, the development of learning media and product test on students of class X of odd semester of State Senior High School I Buay Bahuga Academic Year 2013/2014. The product test was conducted by using experimental design on class X1 as treatment class and class X2 as control class. From the result of research development, it can be concluded: (1) the result of need assessment made the writer to develop cartoon movie media in economics, (2) economics learning in experimental class which was given treatment by using cartoon movie media was more effective than control class which was not given cartoon movie media, (3) The result of t-test count it was gained that t count > t table or 5,492 > 2,052, the result of counting was by using effectiveness formula that showed the result higher than 1 namely 2,024, and the result of accomplishment analysis of classical learning on experimental class was 77,70% and control class was 51,85%. Based on the result of t test, the effectiveness formula and classical accomplishment comparison that cartoon movie media on economics in Senior High School could be stated effective. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbentuk film kartun pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas X SMA serta menguji efektifitas media film dengan membandingkan rata-rata nilai pre-test dan rata- rata post-test hasil belajar ekonomi antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Penelitian ini diawali dengan need asessment, pengembangan media pembelajaran dan pengujian produk pada peserta didik kelas X semester ganjil SMA Negeri I Buay Bahuga Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014. Pengujian produk dilakukan dengan desain eksperimen pada kelas X1 sebagai kelas perlakuan dan kelas X2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian pengembangan dapat disimpulkan: (1) hasil need assesment mengggah peneliti untuk mengembangan media film kartun pada mata pelajaran ekonomi, (2) pembelajaran ekonomi pada kelas eksperimen yang diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan media film kartun lebih efektif dari pada kelas konrol yang tidak menggunakan media film kartun, (3) Hasil perhitungan uji t, rumus efektifitas dan perbandingan ketuntasan klasikal menunjukan bahwa media film kartun pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di SMA dapat dikatakan efektif. %D 2014 %I Universitas Lampung %L eprints3339