%A 1226021005 Aprilia Lestari %T THE IMPACT OF POLICY ABOUT ASSIGNMENT SECRETARY OF THE VILLAGE BE A CIVIL SERVANT TO COMMUNICATION PATTERN AND PERFORMANCE OF VILLAGE GOVERNANCE IN OGAN KOMERING ULU DISTRICT %X Policy about assignment secretary of the village be a sivil servant in most of the villages in the Regency of Ogan Komering Ulu is not yet supported by adequate infrastructure and facilities, such as the Office of the village. Changes the status of the village became the Secretary of the civil servants were spawned social jealousy from the village chief and councilor of non-civil servants. This study aims to measure the impact of these policies qualitatively. The method used is qualitative deskriftif with data collection through interviews with key informants, the writer's observation, as well as related documents. The results showed the impact of assignment policies Secretary of the village as a civil servant in the Regency of Ogan Komering Ulu is; the impact on the communication pattern (1) has not established a mechanism mutually agreed lines of communication (2) lines of communication in the village government is experiencing changes due to the Secretary of the village has two loyalty, to the head of the village head and (3) the communication barriers are more on the question of social jealousy because the status of the village Secretary of civil servants led to inequality of social status, career and salary. Impact on performance (1) has not seen an increase in the productivity of the village post this policy (2) lack of time and the service procedure in the village show is still not optimal service quality (3) has not been established for good responsiveness (4) still not book Martinet administrative villages and governmental functions to the society which has not yet been established with good shows lack of corporate responsibility Secretary village (5) accountability of tasks is also not optimal financial accountability and governance of the village has not been arranged in neat and detailed. Keywords: communication patterns, performance, Secretary of the village %D 2014 %I FAKULTAS ISIP %L eprints3346