creators_name: Agra Kuasa Julian, 1415051002 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2018-10-16 08:16:08 lastmod: 2018-10-16 08:16:08 metadata_visibility: show title: IDENTIFIKASI PETROLEUM SYSTEM CEKUNGAN KUTAI KALIMANTAN TIMUR, MENGGUNAKAN PARAMETER COHERENCY ”Rho VARIANCE PROCESSING” PADA DATA MAGNETOTELLURIK DAN DATA GAYA BERAT ispublished: pub subjects: T1 full_text_status: public abstract: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kecocokan hasil pengolahan Data Magnetotellurik dan hasil pengolahan Data Gravity. Dengan Data MT berfungsi sebagai titik ikat pada proses pengolahan Data Gravity. Pada pengolahan dan interpretasi data MT menggunakan software SSMT2000, MTEditor dan WINGLINK pada daerah telitian untuk menghasilkan 2D Model bawah permukaan yang baik. Objek penelitian berupa data MT pada daerah cekungan Kutai dengan jumlah data sebanyak 21 titik pengukuran. Hasil dari model 2D berupa penampang bawah permukaan dengan persebaran nilai Resistivitasi 0-1.000 ohm.m dan tingkat kedalaman 0-18.000 meter. Dari hasil pengolahan ini di interpretasikan bahwa terdapat 3 lapisan yaitu sebagai Claycap, Reservoar dan Sourcerock. Panjang lintasan pengukuran MT 34 Kilometer. Kata kunci: Magnetotellurik, Petroleum System, Coherency Rho Variance Processing, Resistivitas, Gravity, 2D Modelling, Second Vertical Derivative. ABSTRACT This research was conducted to identify the Petroleum System in the Kutai Basin by using the Coherency parameter "Rho Variance Processing" on Magnetotelluric data and gravity data. In the analysis of the Petroleum System using processing at Magnetotelluric data produced a 4-lane model where each model has different 2D modeling results. The range of resistivity values found in these 4 tracks ranges from 0 - 1,000 Ohm.m at 0-18,000 meters below sea level. Where from the Resistivity value is used to identify the location of the Petroleum System by looking at the value of the Resistivity of each layer that is matched with the value of rock Resistivity. Then in the processing of gravity data is done to determine the subsurface structure in the area of magnetotelluric measurement by using the Second Vertical Derivative method to describe the existence of faults on the 2 processing models. Based on the results of gravity data modeling, it can be seen the level of layers in each path where each of these layers is dominated by the Pamaluan Formation, Balang Island and Alluvium. Keywords: Magnetoteluric, Petroleum System, Coherency Rho Variance Processing, Resistivity, Gravity, 2D Modelling, Second Vertical Derivative. date: 2018-10-08 date_type: published publisher: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG place_of_pub: FAKULTAS TEKNIK citation: Agra Kuasa Julian, 1415051002 (2018) IDENTIFIKASI PETROLEUM SYSTEM CEKUNGAN KUTAI KALIMANTAN TIMUR, MENGGUNAKAN PARAMETER COHERENCY ”Rho VARIANCE PROCESSING” PADA DATA MAGNETOTELLURIK DAN DATA GAYA BERAT. UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG, FAKULTAS TEKNIK. document_url: document_url: document_url: