%A 1223011034 Setia Armawati %T EVALUASI PROGRAM PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK INTEGRATIF KELAS 1 SEKOLAH DASAR PELITA BANGSA BANDAR LAMPUNG %X Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1). mengevaluasi pembelajaran tematik integratif pada komponen context yaitu kondisi lingkungan yang mendukung pembelajaran, komponen input yaitu sarana prasarana sekolah dan sumber daya manusianya, komponen process yaitu proses perencanaan dan proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran tematik integratif, komponen product yaitu hasil belajar siswa, dan 2). memberi rekomendasi komponen context, input, process dan product dalam pembelajaran tematik integratif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi. Sumber penelitian adalah siswa kelas 1 SD Pelita Bangsa Bandar Lampung. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi, angket, tes, dan dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini : 1) nilai komponen context sub komponen kondisi lingkungan sekolah dan kondisi psikologi warga sekolah cukup, nilai komponen input sub komponen sarana dan prasarana dan sumber daya manusia cukup, nilai komponen process sub komponen perencanaan pembelajaran tematik integratif dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran tematik integratif cukup, dan nilai komponen product pada hasil belajar siswa cukup, dan 2) rekomendasi penelitian ini, kepala sekolah perlu meninjau dan memformulasikan visi dan misi secara berkala berdasarkan perkembangan pendidikan, guru harus pandai mengarahkan siswa dalam menggali pengetahuan yang lebih tinggi. Kata kunci : evaluasi, integratif, pembelajaran tematik The aims of this research are to : 1). evaluate integrative thematic learning in context component in term of the environmental condition that supports learning, input component in term of the school infrastructure and human resources, process component in term of the process of planning and the process of integrative thematic learning implementation, product component in term of the learning result of the students, and 2). give recommendation to the context, input, process and product in the integrative thematic learning. This research is a evaluation research. The source of the research is students of grade 1 Pelita Bangsa Elementary School. The data was collected by observation, questionnaire, test and documentation then analyzed as quantitative descriptively. The conclusion in this research are : 1) the score of context component sub component of school environment and psychological condition of school member is good, the score of input component sub component infrastructure and human resources is good, the score of process component sub component planning and integrative thematic learning implementation is good, and the score of product component in learning result of the students is good, and 2) the recommendation of this research, the headmistress needs to observe and formulate the vision and mission periodically according to the education development, the teachers should be able to direct the students to discover the higher knowledge. Keywords: evaluation, integrative, thematic learning %D 2014 %I Universitas Lampung %L eprints3552