creators_name: SYENDITA DWI CAHYAHATI, 1414131189 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2018-10-24 02:26:02 lastmod: 2018-10-24 02:26:02 metadata_visibility: show title: ANALISIS PROFITABILITAS DAN NILAI TAMBAH AGROINDUSTRI OLAHAN IKAN LELE DI KECAMATAN METRO SELATAN, KOTA METRO ispublished: pub subjects: HD28 subjects: S1 subjects: SH full_text_status: none abstract: ABSTRACT PROFITABILITY AND ADDED VALUE ANALYSIS OF PROCESSED CATFISH AGROINDUSTRIES IN SOUTH METRO DISTRICT, METRO CITY By Syendita Dwi Cahyahati This study aims to (1) find out the process of procurement of raw materials in accordance with six criteria, namely on time, right place, right quality, right quantity, right type, and right price, (2) analyze profitability, (3) analyze added value, and (4) find out support services for catfish processing home industry. This research is a census of catfish processed agroindustry in Metro Selatan District is on the grounds that catfish processing products are one of the regional superior products in Metro City. The study was conducted in February-March 2018 and was analyzed in qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysing. The results showed that the procurement of raw materials for quantity components was not proper in La Tansa and Oseri Agroindustries. Profitability ratios obtained by La Tansa Agroindustry are 48.27% for abalone catfish products and 23.58% for catfish bone crackers products. Whereas the profitability of Agroindustry Oseri amounted to 51.14% for abalone catfish products and 34.62% for catfish bone crackers products. Revenue from the total cost per month in La Tansa Agroindustry is Rp.2,174,546.67 for abalone catfish products and Rp.518,161.67 for catfish bone crackers products. Whereas Agroindustry Oseri Rp.5,617,646.62 for abalone catfish products and Rp.2,188,286.71 for catfish bone crackers products. Both agroindustry are feasible because they have positive added value and are profitable because the R / C ratio is more than one. Support services such as financial institutions, research institutions, extension institutions, government policies, transportation facilities, and information and communication technologies provide a positive role in agro-industry activities. Key words : added value, agroindustries, catfish, profitability date: 2018-09-26 date_type: published publisher: FAKULTAS PERTANIAN place_of_pub: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG id_number: 1414131189 citation: SYENDITA DWI CAHYAHATI, 1414131189 (2018) ANALISIS PROFITABILITAS DAN NILAI TAMBAH AGROINDUSTRI OLAHAN IKAN LELE DI KECAMATAN METRO SELATAN, KOTA METRO. FAKULTAS PERTANIAN, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG.