%A 1013053062 KHUSNAINI AZIZAH %T THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SCIENTIFIC APPROACH THAT CONTAIN ALERT CHARACTER TO INCREASE MITIGATION SKILL AND STUDENT SOCIAL ATTITUDE IN TSUNAMI DISASTER UNSAFE AT THE STUDENTS OF IIIA CLASS OF SDN 5 PESISIR TENGAH PESISIR BARAT REGENCY ACADEMIC YEAR 2013/2014 %X The background of the research is the lowest of students mitigation skill and social attitude of IIIA class SDN 5 pesisir tengah in tsunami disaster unsafe. The aims of research to increase mitigation skill and social attitude through the implementation of scientific approach that contain alert character at the tematic learning. The method of the research was classroom action research that consist of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The instrument of data collection used observation and test. The technique of data analysis used qualitative and quantitative. The result of the research showed that the implementation of scientific approach that contain alert character can improved students mitigation skill and social attitude. The mean score of mitigation skill in cycle I is 62,84 (sufficient), cycle 2 71,51 (good), and cycle 3 81,29 (very good). So, there is increasing from cycle I to cycle II about 8,67 and cycle II to cycle III about 9,78. And also the social attitude in cycle 1 71,26 (good), cycle 2 79,30 (good), and cycle 3 86,05 (very good). So, there is increasing from cycle I to cycle II about 8,04 and cycle II to cycle III about 6,75. Keywords: alert, mitigation, scientific approach, social attitude. tsunami %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2014 %I Fakultas KIP %L eprints3976