creators_name: Sumi Mariyati, 1223012032 type: other datestamp: 2014-10-13 03:24:18 lastmod: 2015-10-30 03:18:31 metadata_visibility: show title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE LEADERSHIP'S ROLE AND FUNCTION OF MUHAMMADIYAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL OF METRO EFEKTIVITAS PERAN DAN FUNGSI KEPALA SEKOLAH DASAR MUHAMMADIYAH METRO ispublished: pub subjects: General full_text_status: restricted abstract: The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of the principle’s role and function in leading The Muhammadiyah Elementary School of Metro. This research is focus on the principle’s role and function as an educator, a manager, an administrator, a supervisor, a leader, an innovator, a motivator, and an entrepreneur. The study is a Qualitative research using case study, and data collecting technique through observation, documentation and interview. Data source is from education field of Muhammadiyah alliance, principal, vice-principal, supervisor, teacher, staff, commitee, student proxy and student. Data analyze uses triangulasion, it compares between the observation result of documentation and the interview result. The results of this research are: 1) the principal’s role and function as an educator, the principal has professionalism as an educator and can give motivation for the teachers to have a professionalism as a teacher, 2) the principal’s role and function as a manager, the principal does the management functions well, can manage the school organization so it can run effectively, 3) the principal’s role and function as an administrator can run well, as the indicator is the physical approval from school management administration, 4) the principal’s role and function is good enough as a supervisor, by doing a supervision to teachers and staffs, it is felt by teachers and staffs as a media to increase their jobs. 5) the role and the function as leader can run well, he has integrity, discipline, commitment, consistency and democratic leader, he is able to understand the school organization, vision, mission and characteristic of Muhammadiyah Elementary School of Metro, 6) the role and the function as an innovator can run well. As an innovation agent, the principal tries to develop an insight for the teachers and the staffs, so it can make the productivity becomes better. 7) the role and the function as a motivator can run well, the indicators are teachers and staffs are able to do a job according to the target and the institution gives a reward in the form of educational scholarship in master degree/S2, 8) the role and the function as an entrepreneur, the principal has the soul of entrepreneur, high motivation, hard working, optimistic, creativity and perseverance in developing a school. Key word: The leadership’s role and function, Educator, Manager, Administrator, Supervisor, Leader, Innovator, Motivator, Entrepreuneur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan peran dan fungsi kepala sekolah di SD Muhammadiyah Metro. Fokus penelitian adalah peran dan fungsi kepala sekolah sebagai pendidik, manajer, administrator, supervisor, pemimpin, inovator, motivator, dan wirausahawan. Penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Sumber data adalah bidang pendidikan, kepala sekolah, bidang kurikulum, pengawas, guru, karyawan, komite, orang tua siswa dan siswa. Analisis data digunakan triangulasi, yaitu membandingkan hasil observasi dengan dokumentasi dan hasil wawancara. Hasil penelitian adalah: 1) Kepala sekolah sebagai pendidik, mampu mendidik dan menumbuhkan jiwa pendidik pada guru melalui keteladanan, diskusi, supervisi dan pelatihan, 2) Kepala sekolah sebagai manajer, melaksanakan fungsi manajemen, yaitu perencanaan, pengelolaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan evaluasi, 3) Kepala sekolah sebagai administrator, mengelola administrasi, adanya dokumen, pengelolaannya melibatkan sumberdaya, 4) Kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor, menyusun program, melaksanakan program dan tindak lanjut melalui: pelatihan, workshop, KKG, dan pembekalan, 5) Kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin, memahami, visi, misi, karakter sekolah, mampu memberdayakan sumber daya dan menyelesaikan tugas sesuai program, 6) Kepala sekolah sebagai inovator, mengembangkan metode pembelajaran terintegrasi dengan nilai-nilai keislaman melalui, TPA, OSN, O2SN, FLS2N, tahsin-tahidz, peningkatan skill, 7) Kepala sekolah sebagai motivator, mampu menumbuhkan cinta profesi, tanggung jawab, dan menciptakan suasana kondusif serta memberikan beasiswa pendidikan S2, 8) Kepala sekolah sebagai wirausahawan, memiliki jiwa wirausaha, berjiwa keras dan memiliki naluri kewirausahaan dalam mengelola sumber belajar, melalui karakter islami, tahsin-tahidz, prestasi akademik dan lomba-lomba. Kata kunci: Administrator, Inovator, Manajer, Motivator, Pemimpin, Pendidik, Peran dan fungsi Kepala Sekolah, Supervisor, Wirausahawan date: 2014-07-10 date_type: published institution: Universitas Lampung department: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendididkan thesis_type: masters citation: Sumi Mariyati, 1223012032 (2014) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE LEADERSHIP'S ROLE AND FUNCTION OF MUHAMMADIYAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL OF METRO EFEKTIVITAS PERAN DAN FUNGSI KEPALA SEKOLAH DASAR MUHAMMADIYAH METRO. UNSPECIFIED. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: