TY - GEN CY - Universitas Lampung ID - eprints4178 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/4178/ A1 - ANDI ARISAN JAYA SIAHAAN, 0814081025 Y1 - 2014/10/15/ N2 - Blok koleksi tumbuhan merupakan bagian dari kawasan taman hutan raya berisi-kan berbagai jenis tumbuhan, baik jenis asli maupun tidak asli, langka maupun tidak langka yang perlu dilindungi dan dilestarikan. Kondisi blok koleksi tumbuhan yang mengalami perubahan fungsi menjadi areal perladangan dikhawatirkan akan mengganggu keberadaan jenis-jenis tumbuhan langka seperti pohon pulai (Alstonia scholaris) dan suren (Toona sureni). Penelitian dilakukan di Blok Koleksi Tumbuhan Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman pada bulan September--Oktober 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui densitas, penyebaran, kondisi pohon dewasa, dan posisi koordinat pohon pulai dan suren. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode garis berpetak dengan intensitas sampling 0,1%. Luas sampel 8.455,4 m2, kemudian dibagi menjadi 20 petak. Jarak antargaris rintis 200 m dan jarak antarpetak ukur 100 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerapatan pulai lebih tinggi sebesar 15 batang/ha dibandingkan dengan pohon suren sebesar 7 batang/ha. Frekuensi pulai ditemukan di lokasi penelitian sebesar 0,25, frekuensi ini lebih besar dibanding kan frekuensi pohon suren yang besarnya hanya 0,15. Pohon suren dewasa sebanyak 5 batang, yang memenuhi kriteria pohon induk sebanyak 1 batang dan berada di plot ke-20. Pohon pulai dewasa sebanyak 4 batang, yang memenuhi kriteria pohon induk sebanyak 1 batang dan berada di plot ke-19. Kata kunci: blok koleksi tumbuhan, pohon induk, pohon langka. The plant collection block is a part of the Great Forest Park of Wan Abdul Rachman that contains varie of plant species, either pristine plant or not and rare or not rare which are needed to be protected and preserved. The plant collection block condition has been changed to be cultivation land. This condition is feared can interfere the existence of rare plants species such as devil tree (Alstonia scholaris) and cedar (Toona sureni). This research was done at the plant collection block in Great Forest Park of Wan Abdul Rachman on September--October 2013. This research is aimed to determine the density, distribution, condition, and coordinates position of devil tree and cedar. The data was taken by used checkered lines method with 0.1% sampling intensity. The sampling area was about 8,455.4 m2, then divided into 20 plots. The distance between lines was 200 m and plots was 100 m. The result showed that the devil tree density was higher amount of 15 stems/ha than cedar density of 7 stems/ha in a row. The frequency of devil tree was found in observation plots about 0.25 stems/ha that was higher than cedar frequency which only of 0.15 stems/ha. Cedar grown by 5 stems, that amount the criteria of main tree as many as 1 stem in the 20th plot. Devil tree grown by 4 stems, that amount the criteria of main tree as many as 1 stem in the 19th plot. Keywords : plant collection block, parent tree, rare tree PB - Fakultas Pertanian TI - DENSITAS POHON DEWASA DAN PERMUDAAN PULAI (Alstonia scholaris) DAN SUREN (Toona sureni) DALAM BLOK KOLEKSI TUMBUHAN DI TAMAN HUTAN RAYA WAN ABDUL RACHMAN AV - restricted ER -