creators_name: Heidi Yanti Anggraeni Putri, 1014071033 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2014-10-17 07:40:25 lastmod: 2014-10-17 07:40:25 metadata_visibility: show title: Rancang Bangun Sistem Akuisisi Data Iklim Mikro Dalam Greenhouse Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino ispublished: pub subjects: General full_text_status: restricted abstract: ABSTRAK Iklim mikro (suhu, kelembaban udara, dan cahaya matahari) berperan penting dalam laju pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Namun mendapatkan data iklim mikro tersebut secara kontinyu sulit. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sistem akuisisi data iklim mikro. Sistem akuisisi data iklim mikro merupakan sistem pengambilan, pengumpulan dan penyiapan data suhu, kelembaban udara dan intensitas cahaya secara real time untuk keperluan tertentu. Sistem akuisisi yang dibuat diaplikasikan di dalam greenhouse. Sistem akuisisi berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino UNO ini memiliki beberapa masukan, yaitu tiga buah DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor dan sebuah light dependent resistor (LDR). Keluaran sistem ini berupa tampilan pada LCD, dan tampilan data iklim mikro secara real time pada PC dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak laboratory virtual instrument engineering workbench (LabVIEW) yang kemudian disimpan dalam Microsoft Excel. Eror rata-rata nilai suhu tiap sensor DHT11 terhadap 4in1 multi fungction meter, yaitu DHT11a 0,37 oC, DHT11b 0,2 oC, dan DHT11c 1,3 oC. Sedangkan terhadap termometer alkohol, yaitu DHT11a dan DHT11b sebesar 0,8 oC, dan DHT11c sebesar 0,2 oC. Ketika dibandingkan dengan termometer bola basah - bola kering, yaitu DHT11a sebesar 0,25 oC, sedangkan DHT11b dan DHT11c sebesar 0,375 oC. Eror rata-rata nilai kelembaban udara tiap sensor DHT11 dibandingkan dengan 4in1 multi function meter, yaitu DHT11a 6,6 %RH, DHT11b 10,17 %RH, dan DHT11c 4,46 %RH. Sedangkan dibandingkan dengan termocopel, yaitu DHT11a 14,625 %RH, DHT11b 16,625 %RH dan DHT11c 11,125 %RH. Persentase eror pengukuran intensitas cahaya oleh LDR sebesar ±8,98%, dengan R sebesar 0,9926. Kata kunci: greenhouse, iklim mikro, LabVIEW, mikrokontroler Arduino UNO, sistem akuisisi data ABSTRACT RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM AKUISISI DATA IKLIM MIKRO DALAM GREENHOUSE BERBASIS MIKROKONTROLER ARDUINO By HEIDI YANTI ANGGRAENI PUTRI Micro climate (temperature, humidity and the intensity of Sun’s light) plays an important role on growth and development of plants. However, it’s difficult to obtain the micro climate data continuously. An automatic data acquisition system is a such promising soluticts to this problem. Micro climate data acquisition system collects temperature, humidity, and the intensity of Sun’s light data for specific purposes. This acquisition system is intended to be applicable in the greenhouse. Microcontroller Arduino UNO based acquisition system designed has several inputs, i.e . three DHT11 temperature and humidity sensors and a light dependent resistor (LDR). The outputs of this system are display on the LCD, and display on the PC as well as micro climate data in real time using laboratory virtual instrument engineering workbench (LabVIEW) software, then the data is stored in Microsoft Excel. The average error of temperature sensor of each DHT11 compared with 4in1 multi function meter, were DHT11 (a) 0,37 oC, (b) 0,2 oC, and (c) 1,3 oC. Whereas if compared with alcohol thermometer, DHT11 (a) dan (b) were 0,8 oC, and DHT11 (c) was 0,2 oC. When compared with thermometer wet bulb - dry blub, DHT11 had an eror of 0,25 oC, while DHT11 (b) and DHT11 (c) had 0,375 oC error. The average error of humidity sensor, when compared with 4in1 multi function meter, 6,6 %RH for DHT11 (a), 10,17 %RH for DHT11 (b), and 4,46 %RH for DHT11 (c). When compared with termocopel, the average errors of humidity were 14,625 %RH for DHT11 (a), 16,625 %RH for DHT11 (b), and 11,125 %RH for DHT11 (c). LDR was calibrated by using regression analysis with R=0,9926. When validated with a light meter, the LDR had ±8,98% error. Key words: data acquisition system, greenhouse, LabVIEW, micro climate, microcontroller Arduino UNO date: 2014-09-08 date_type: published publisher: Fakultas Pertanian place_of_pub: Universitas Lampung institution: Universitas Lampung department: FP thesis_type: other citation: Heidi Yanti Anggraeni Putri, 1014071033 (2014) Rancang Bangun Sistem Akuisisi Data Iklim Mikro Dalam Greenhouse Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino. Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: