%A 1313082011 Septi Maryanti %T TEACHING SPEAKING THROUGH ROLE PLAY TECHNIQUE AT THE SIXTH A GRADE OF AL KAUTSAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BANDAR LAMPUNG %X Role plays are very important in communicative language teaching because they give students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social context and in different social roles. Most of students still have low speaking ability especially in fluency, pronunciation and comprehension due to inappropriateness in teaching speaking used by the teacher. Therefore many experts of English teaching technique suggest the teacher to apply it as a teaching technique. The objective of the research are to find out whether role play technique can increase the students? speaking achievement, and improve students? participation in teaching learning process. The subject of this CAR is the students of the sixth A grade at Al Kautsar Elementary School. This research was conducted in two cycles. The first cycle was done on March 22nd 2014, and the second cycle was done on April 12th 2014. The result of the research shows that: first there is significant increase of students? speaking achievement from the first cycle to the second cycle. In the first cycle there were 26 students (65%) whose score are up to 70, nevertheless after conducting the second cycle, the students? speaking achievement increased approximately 35 students (87.5%) are up to 70. It means that there is an improvement in students? speaking achievement, about 21.5%. In teaching learning process, there is also significant improvement. It can be seen from the first cycle there were 29 (72.5%) out of 40 students who were actively involved in the teaching learning process. Meanwhile in the second cycle there were 38 (95.96%) of students who are actively involved in teaching learning process. It can be conducted that there is an improvement in students? speaking participation (23.46%) From the data above, the researcher concludes that there is significant increase in students? speaking ability achievement and students? participation using role play technique. %C Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan %D 2014 %I Universitas Lampung %L eprints4393