creators_name: Joni Parulian, 0854023019 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2014-10-27 06:32:39 lastmod: 2014-10-27 06:32:39 metadata_visibility: show title: ANALISIS POLA KONSUMSI DAGING SAPI OLEH RUMAH TANGGA DI KOTA BANDAR ispublished: pub subjects: General full_text_status: restricted abstract: ABSTRAK ANALISIS POLA KONSUMSI DAGING SAPI OLEH RUMAHTANGGA DI KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG Oleh Joni Parulian Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) pola konsumsi daging sapi. (2) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan daging sapi, dan (3) elastisitas permintaan daging sapi. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kota Bandar Lampung yang ditentukan secara sengaja, berdasarkan kelas rumahtangga prasejahtera sampai dengan sejahtera III+. Kecamatan Kemiling Kelurahan Kemiling Permai mewakili kelas atas, kelas menengah di Kecamatan Kedaton Kelurahan Labuhan Ratu dan kelas bawah di Kecamatan Teluk Betung Selatan Kelurahan Pesawahan. Jumlah responden penelitian ini 54 ibu rumahtangga. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober-November 2013. Analisis data menggunakan tabulasi, regresi linear berganda, dan analisis elastisitas permintaan. Penelitian menunjukkan hasil sebagai berikut. (1) Jumlah terbesar konsumsi daging sapi dalam periode Juli-September rata-rata 0,5-3 kg/per 3 bulan, jenis potongan daging sapi yang paling banyak dikonsumsi adalah daging paha depan sebesar 43,61 kg/per 3 bulan, frekuensi konsumsi daging sapi sebanyak 1-3 kali dalam periode Juli-September, serta sebanyak 76,64% rumahtangga memilih pasar tradisional untuk membeli daging sapi. (2) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan daging sapi oleh rumahtangga di Kota Bandar Lampung adalah harga ayam ras, harga ayam kampung, pendidikan, pendapatan dan tempat pembelian. (3) Elastisitas silang ayam ras dan ayam kampung bertanda positif sehingga ayam ras dan ayam kampung bersifat barang subtitusi terhadap daging sapi dan elastisitas pendapatan atas permintaan daging sapi bernilai positif sehingga daging sapi bersifat barang normal. Kata kunci : daging sapi, elastisitas, faktor permintaan, pola konsumsi. ABSTRACT THE CONSUMPTION PATERN ANALYSIS OF BEEF BY HOUSEHOLD IN BANDAR LAMPUNG By Joni Parulian The study aims to know: (1) the pattern of consumption of beef, (2) factors that affect the demand of beef, (3) elasticity of the demand of beef. Location of the research conducted in the city of Bandar Lampung was determined on purpose, based on the class of Prasejahtera households to Sejahtera III +, namely upper class in the District Kemiling at Kemiling Permai Village, middle class in the District Kedaton at Labuhan Ratu Village and lower classes in the District of Southern Teluk Betung at Pesawahan Village. The sample in the study was 54 housewives. Data collection was carried out from October-November 2013. Data analysis included qualitative analysis using the tabulation, multiple linear regression and analysis of the elasticity of demand. The results showed as follows. (1) The greatest amount of beef demand in the period of July–September 2013 was 0.5-3 kg / for 3 month, pieces of beef that was being the most widely consumed was chuck of 43.61 kg / for 3 month, frequency of beef consumption as much as 1-3 times in the period of July to September 2013, and a total of 76.64% of households chose the traditional market to buy beef. (2) Factors affecting beef demand by households in the city of Bandar Lampung were chicken prices, level of education, income and place of purchase. (3) Cross elasticity between broiler chicken and domestic chickens was positive, it meant that beef was substitution stuff; and income elasticity of the demand of beef worth positive; so that beef was normal stuff. Keywords: beef, consumption patterns, elasticity, factor demand date: 2014-10-27 date_type: published publisher: FAKULTAS PERTANIAN place_of_pub: UNILA institution: Universitas Lampung department: FP thesis_type: other citation: Joni Parulian, 0854023019 (2014) ANALISIS POLA KONSUMSI DAGING SAPI OLEH RUMAH TANGGA DI KOTA BANDAR. FAKULTAS PERTANIAN, UNILA. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: