%0 Generic %A DEDY DWI PUJIYANTO, 1015011005 %C Universitas Lampung %D 2014 %F eprints:5321 %I Fakultas Teknik %T ANALISIS PERILAKU GIRDER BETON PRATEGANG BERDASARKAN PELAKSANAAN PEMASANGAN GIRDER JEMBATAN %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/5321/ %X abstrak b.indonesia Konstruksi beton prategang umum digunakan sebagai girder jembatan. Berbagai sistem pelaksanaan pemasangan (erection) girder jembatan mempengaruhi perilaku struktur girder. Dalam penelitian ini ada dua sistem erection girder jembatan yang akan ditinjau, yaitu sistem full span dan balanced cantilever. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui perbedaan perilaku struktur girder berdasarkan kedua sistem erection tersebut. Objek penelitian yang dilakukan analisis struktur yaitu PCI girder dan box girder. Analisis struktur girder yang dilakukan yaitu menghitung gaya prategang awal, menentukan lintasan tendon prategang, menghitung kehilangan prategang, serta kontrol tegangan yang terjadi pada penampang girder. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan, didapatkan perbedaan perilaku struktur girder yaitu pada lintasan inti tendon prategang. Pada sistem full span, posisi inti tendon sebagian besar terletak di bawah garis netral penampang, sedangkan pada sistem balanced cantilever, posisi inti tendon selain di bawah garis netral penampang juga terdapat di atas garis netral. Perbedaan lintasan inti tendon diakibatkan perbedaan posisi inti tendon pada tiap titik yang dipengaruhi oleh momen yang terjadi pada struktur girder. Pada sistem full span, konstruksi girder jembatan didesain dalam satu bentang dengan tumpuan sendi – rol. Sedangkan pada sistem balanced cantilever, konstruksi girder jembatan didesain sebagai bentang menerus. Sehingga dari perbedaan desain konstruksi tersebut mengakibatkan perbedaan momen yang terjadi pada struktur girder. Kata kunci : girder, erection, full span, balanced kantilever, tendon abstrack b.inggris The Construction of prestressed concrete general used as girder of bridge. Some system of set implementation (erection) girder of bridge influence of behavior structure girder. In this examination are two system erection girder of bridge that will observation, there are system full span and balanced cantilever. The purpose of this examination is for know difference of behavior structure girder by both that system. Object of examination that do analysis structure that are PCI girder and box girder. Analysis structure girder that do them are calculated of the beginning force prestressed, determined of line of prestressed tendon, calculated lose of prestressed, and control of pressure that occured at longitudinal section of girder. From output of analysis that do it, be found difference of behavior structure girder that is at the center line of prestressed tendon. At system full span, the position of center tendon dominant under neutral line of longitudinal section, and for system balanced cantilever, the position of tendon beside under neutral line of longitudinal section too be found on neutral line. The difference of center line of tendon consequenced by difference of position center tendon at each point that influenced by moment that occured at structure girder. At system full span, the construction of girder of bridge designed as one span with shoring joint – roll. And for system balanced cantilever, the construction of girder of bridge designed as continue span. So, from difference of construction design consequence for difference moment that occured at structure girder. Key words : girder, erection, full span, balanced kantilever, tendon