%0 Generic %A TRI WIBOWO, 0915021046 %C Universitas Lampung %D 2014 %F eprints:5373 %I Fakultas Teknik %T PENGARUH PEMASANGAN PHOTOVOLTAIC PADA DINDING BANGUNAN TERHADAP TEMPERATUR RUANGAN %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/5373/ %X abstrak indonesia Pada daerah perkotaan terdapat banyak sekali gedung bertingkat baik untuk perkantoran maupun pusat bisnis, dengan model dinding beton maupun kaca. Bagian bangunan secara umum mendapat sinar matahari baik secara bergiliran maupun terus menerus sepanjang siang hari. Penyinaran tanpa hambatan ini akan meningkatkan kalor yang masuk ke dalam ruangan dan beban pendingin ruangan akan meningkat, sehingga konsumsi energi listrik juga akan bertambah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intensitas cahaya lampu dan pemasangan photovoltaic (PV) pada dinding bangunan terhadap temperatur ruangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada model bangunan, dimana PV dipasang pada dinding dengan sudut pemasangan 150 dan posisi lampu penyinaran dengan sudut 00, 300, dan 600. Parameter yang diuji adalah temperatur PV, temperatur luar dan dalam dinding serta temperatur ruangan. Hasil pengujian ini akan dibandingkan dengan variasi intensitas cahaya lampu yakni 500 watt dan 1000 watt. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pemasangan PV pada dinding bangunan dapat memperlambat kenaikan temperatur ruangan. Pemasangan PV dengan posisi miring, memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap pengurangan laju pemanasan ruangan. Kata Kunci : photovoltaic, temperatur, intensitas matahari abstract inggris The Sun is one of the most potential source of energy for the future. Photovoltaic could change solar energy into the electrical energy. In Indonesia, the photovoltaic is potential because of the solar radiation intensity in Indonesia is quite high which reached 4.8 kWh/m2/day with a very effective time of 8 – 10 hours/day. For silicon solar cells, the elevation related to the operation temperature reduces the electrical power output, producing a temperature coefficient of -0.4 to -0.5%/K-1 characterization of temperature goes beyond them. Because of silicon solar cells are marked on the 1000 W/m2 and 25oC, keeping the temperature of the cells at 25oC can maintain the efficiency of the cell values. In the most common passive approximation to heat dissipation, the channel is set up in the wake of natural convection in a PV module. But this natural method still has a cooling system that is less effective due to poor heat transfer. As a new method to regulate the temperature increase, phase change material (PCM) which absorbs energy as latent heat of phase transition temperature in constant work. This research was conducted on the model of the building, where the photovoltaic were installed on the wall with the mounting angle and position of the variations of the lamp shines with a light intensity of 300 Watt/m2 and 600 Watt/m2. Phase change materials (PCM) used is Palm oil (CPO) because Indonesia is one of the palm oil producers (CPO), the third largest in the world. The research results showed that installation of PCM can increase the efficiency of photovoltaic and make the rising of room temperature increases slowly. Keywords: photovoltaic, phase change materials (PCM), irradiance