%A 1517031065 EDWIN SAPUTRA %T PERBANDINGAN METODE NEWTON-RAPHSON DAN METODE JACOBIAN UNTUK SOLUSI SISTEM PERSAMAAN POLINOMIAL NONLINEAR BERDASARKAN JUMLAH ITERASI DAN GALAT TERKECIL %X Polynomial equations are mathematical expression involving a sum of powers in one or more variables multiplied by coefficients. System of nonlinear polynomial equations are collection of some nonlinear equations. The Newton-Raphson and Jacobian are used for solving system of nonlinear polynomial equations. In this case, Jacobian method converted from nonlinear equation to linear equation. this study aims to compare which method is better in finding a solution for system of nonlinear polynomial equations based on the smallest Iterations and Errors. In this study there are three cases of system of nonlinear polynomial equations that will be used to compare Newton-Raphson method and Jacobian method. From the three cases, Newton-Raphson method is better in solving the solution for system of nonlinear polynomial equations with an average up to 6 iterations and have errors 0.00000032, compared to Jacobian method with an average up to 39 iterations dan have errors 0.000000008293. Key Words : Polynomial Equations, System of Nonlinear Polynomial Equations, Newton-Raphson Method, Jacobian Method %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2019 %I FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM %L eprints54610