creators_name: Muhammad Hafizh, 1411011082 creators_id: - type: other datestamp: 2022-03-17 05:44:43 lastmod: 2022-03-17 05:44:43 metadata_visibility: show title: PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS PRODUK GENTENG PADA JAYA GENTENG LAMPUNG SELATAN ispublished: pub subjects: HB full_text_status: restricted abstract: yang terjadi pada produk Jaya Genteng, mengidentifikasi apakah tingkat kerusakan yang terjadi pada produk Jaya Genteng masih dalam batas toleransi atau tidak dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kerusakan paling dominan pada produk Jaya Genteng. Alat analisis empat dari Seven Quality Control Tools yaitu Checksheet, Grafik Pareto, Statistical Process Control Chart (P Chart) dan Cause and Effect Diagram. Checksheet menunjukkan bahwa jenis-jenis kerusakan yang terjadi pada produksi Jaya Genteng adalah genteng gompal, genteng patah dan genteng retak, hasil grafik Pareto menunjukkan bahwa kerusakan paling dominan yaitu genteng gompal sebesar 1.310 buah (44%), genteng patah 1.002 buah (33%), genteng retak 699 buah (23%), selanjutnya P Chart memperlihatkan bahwa titik berfluktuasi, terdapat titik yang keluar dari batas kendali yang mengindikasikan bahwa proses berada dalam keadaan tidak terkendali yaitu produksi pada tanggal 12 Mei, 23 Mei, 7 Juni, 30 Juni, 14 Juli, 21 Juli, 30 Juli, 14 Agustus, 31 Agustus, 15 September dan 28 September 2018. Hasil cause and effect diagram diketahui bahwa faktor kerusakan paling dominan disebabkan oleh faktor tenaga kerja dan metode. Kata Kunci: Total Quality Management, Seven Quality Control Tools, Genteng. The purpose of this studied is to identified the most dominant types of defect that occurred in Jaya Genteng products, identified whether the level of defect that occurred in Jaya Genteng products still within tolerance or not and analyze the factors that cause the most dominant defect to Jaya Genteng products. Four analysis tools from Seven Quality Control Tools, namely Checksheet, Pareto Chart, Statistical Process Control Chart (P Chart) and Cause and Effect Diagram. Checksheet showed that the types of defect that occurred in the production of Jaya Genteng are chipped tiles, broken tiles and cracked tiles, the Pareto chart results showed that the most dominant defect is chipped tile by 1,310 pieces (44%), broken tiles 1,002 pieces (33%), tile cracks 699 pieces (23%), then P Chart showed that points are fluctuated, there are points that come out of the control boundary which indicate that the process is in an uncontrolled condition such as production on May 12, May 23, June 7, June 30, July 14, July 21, July 30, August 14, August 31, September 15 and September 28 2018. The results of cause and effect diagrams are known that the defect factor most dominantly caused by manpower and methods. Keyword: Total Quality Management, Seven Quality Control Tools, Tile. date: 2019 date_type: published publisher: FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS place_of_pub: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG citation: Muhammad Hafizh, 1411011082 (2019) PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS PRODUK GENTENG PADA JAYA GENTENG LAMPUNG SELATAN. FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: