%A 1517031053 SINDI AMANDA SARI %T FUNGSI HIPERGEOMETRI DARI DISTRIBUSI GENERALIZED F %X Ordinary differential equations (PDB) are equations involving one or more functions and their derivatives with respect to a free variable. Differential equations with variable coefficients are difficult to solve in the normal way, so we need another method to solve them, the frobenius method. This study aims to obtain a solution of the Generalized F (GF) distribution differential equation in the form of the Hypergeometry Function. Where the Generalized F distribution differential equation is obtained by deriving the opportunity density function twice as much as the random variable x is obtained ( ) ( ) . ODE Generalized F distribution is solved by the frobenius method, so a solution is obtained ? ( ) ( ) ( ) ? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Keywords: Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE), Frobenius Method, Generalized F (GF) distribution, Hypergeometry Function Persamaan diferensial biasa (PDB) adalah persamaan yang menyangkut satu atau lebih fungsi beserta turunannya terhadap satu peubah bebas. Persamaan diferensial dengan koefisien variabel sulit untuk diselasaikan dengan cara biasa, Sehingga diperlukan metode lain dalam menyelesaikannya yaitu metode frobenius. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh solusi dari persamaan diferensial distribusi Generalized F (GF) dalam bentuk Fungsi Hipergeometri. Dimana persamaan diferensial distribusi GF diperoleh dengan cara menurunkan fungsi kepekatan peluang sebanyak dua kali terhadap peubah acak x diperoleh ( ) ( ) . Persamaan diferensial distribusi GF diselesaikan dengan metode frobenius, sehingga diperoleh solusi ? ( ) ( ) ( ) ? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Kata Kunci: Persamaan Diferensial Biasa, Metode Frobenius, Distribusi Generalized F (GF), Fungsi Hipergeometri. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2019 %I FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM %L eprints54802