%0 Generic %A Pranoto, 1317031064 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2019 %F eprints:54867 %I FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM %T MODEL PENGUKURAN REFLEKTIF DAN FORMATIF DALAM STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING DENGAN TEKNIK PARTIAL LEAST SQUARE (SEM-PLS) %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/54867/ %X The measurement model is a model that relates latent variables to observed variables (indicators). In the Structural Equation Modeling with technique of Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS), the measurement model of latent variables can be measured by reflective indicators and formative indicators at once. In the reflective measurement model, the direction of the causality relationship from the latent variable to the indicator. Whereas in the formative measurement model, the direction of the causality relationship from the indicator to the latent variable. The assessment of the reflective measurement model and the formative measurement model is carried out separately and differently. The reflective measurement model is assessed based on validity and reliability of the measurement of latent variables. While the formative measurement model is assessed based on substantive content by looking at the significance of the weight and multicollinearity. Keyword : Measurement Model, Reflective Measurement Model, Formative Measurement Model, Latent Variable, SEM-PLS Model pengukuran adalah model yang menghubungan variabel laten dengan variabel- variabel teramati (indikator). Dalam Structural equation modeling dengan teknik partial least square (SEM-PLS), model pengukuran variabel laten dapat diukur dengan indikator reflektif dan indikator formatif sekaligus. Dalam model pengukuran reflektif, arah hubungan kausalitas dari variabel laten ke indikator. Sedangkan dalam model pengukuran formatif, arah hubungan kausalitas dari indikator ke variabel laten. Penilaian terhadap model pengukuran reflektif dan model pengukuran formatif dilakukan secara terpisah dan berbeda. Model pengukuran reflektif dinilai berdasarkan validitas dan reliabilitas dari pengukuran variabel laten. Sedangkan model pengukuran formatif dinilai beradasarkan pada substantive content yaitu dengan melihat signifikansi dari weight dan multikolinearitasnya. Kata Kunci : Model Pengukuran, Model Pengukuran Reflektif, Model Pengukuran Formatif, Variabel Laten, SEM-PLS