creators_name: Ria Kurniasih, 1514131038 creators_id: - type: other datestamp: 2022-03-22 04:31:12 lastmod: 2022-03-22 04:31:12 metadata_visibility: show title: SISTEM REPLANTING KELAPA SAWIT, OPPORTUNITY PENDAPATAN KELAPA SAWIT DAN TINGKAT KESEJAHTERAAN PETANI PADA MASA REPLANTING DI PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT RAKYAT KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH ispublished: pub subjects: General full_text_status: restricted abstract: Penelitian ini menjelaskan model replanting yang digunakan petani kelapa sawit, untuk menghitung biaya replanting, opportunity pendapatan kelapa sawit, dan untuk menganalisis tingkat kesejahteraan petani pada masa replanting di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara survei. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Anak Tuha, Kecamatan Bangun Rejo dan Kecamatan Sendang Agung. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini 31 responden, yang terdiri dari 6 responden di Kecamatan Anak Tuha, 21 responden di Kecamatan Bangun Rejo, dan 4 responden di Kecamatan Sendang Agung. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Mei 2019. Hasil dari model replanting yang digunakan oleh petani kelapa sawit di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah adalah model intercropping dengan tanaman pangan dan model underplanting. Biaya replanting dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun ketika kelapa sawit tidak berproduksi sebesar Rp 45.481.990 per hektar pada model intercropping, dan sebesar Rp 48.146.117 per hektar pada model underplanting. Rata-rata opportunity pendapatan kelapa sawit menggunakan model intercropping dengan tanaman pangan sebesar Rp 7.173.649 per hektar. Rata-rata pendapatan rumah tangga petani sebesar Rp 22.289.224. Tingkat kesejahteraan petani pada masa replanting di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah secara umum berada dalam kondisi cukup layak. Kata kunci :biaya, kelapa sawit, kesejahteraan, opportunity, pendapatan, replanting. This study aims were to determine the replanting model used by oil palm farmers, to calculate the replanting cost, to know the opportunity for oil palm income, and to analyze the level of welfare of farmers during replanting in Central Lampung Regency. The sampling technique was survey. The study was conducted in three districts, Anak Tuha District, Bangun Rejo District, and Sendang Agung District. The respondents were 31 oil palm farmers consist of 6 respondents from Anak Tuha District, 21 respondents from Bangun Rejo District, and 4 respondents from Sendang Agung District. The data collection was carried out in March-May 2019. The results of the replanting model used by oil palm farmers in Central Lampung Regency was the intercropping model with food crops and the underplanting model. The costs of replanting during the first 3 years when the palm trees not producily yet, were Rp 45.481.990 per hectare the intercropping model and Rp 48.146.117 per hectare for the underplanting model. The average value of oil palm opportunity income the intercropping model with food crops was Rp 7.173.649 per hectare.The average household income of oil palm farmers was Rp 22.289.224 per year. The level of welfare of farmers during replanting in Central Lampung Regency in general is in a fairly decent condition. Key words : cost, income, oil palm, opportunity, replanting, welfare. date: 2019 date_type: published publisher: FAKULTAS PERTANIAN place_of_pub: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG id_number: 1514131038 citation: Ria Kurniasih, 1514131038 (2019) SISTEM REPLANTING KELAPA SAWIT, OPPORTUNITY PENDAPATAN KELAPA SAWIT DAN TINGKAT KESEJAHTERAAN PETANI PADA MASA REPLANTING DI PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT RAKYAT KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH. FAKULTAS PERTANIAN, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: